chris18890 / pxe-boot

pxe boot setup commands
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link

cant work out how to use it #7

Open wonderingStars opened 1 month ago

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

i came across you script and would love to use it on my nas to setup booting out all my os but im unsure about the read me file would you be able to to put a step by step on the read if that is possible

chris18890 commented 1 month ago

Hi @wonderingStars , thanks for opening this issue!

TBH, if you use the commands in the individual text files, depending on if you're setting it up on a debain, ubuntu, or synology system. I'll write something up to add that the assumption is that you've already set up the tftp server on the OS/synology :)

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

No problem bro 🦊. I think a lot of people will have this issue I dont have anything setup on the synology nas . Could you write a step by step :-) you would be the master :-)

chris18890 commented 1 month ago

@wonderingStars in the mean time, not sure if this'll help you get started? -

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

Sure I will get on with this while you work your magic :-)

chris18890 commented 1 month ago

I think, once you have the folder created & shared on the synology, you can SSH to it & run the commands, will find some guides on setting up SSH as well if you need it :)

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

I have the setup ssh .

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

I have followed you I code in golang if you want to see any of my larger projects just ask :-)

I made a cool mp4 converter desktop app for nas . Made with golang and wails

wonderingStars commented 1 month ago

You are amazing it works . I'm not sure how to add new isos to the boot menu like windows 11 I click it and it asked for a url

chris18890 commented 1 month ago

Are you using the options or the wwindows boot option? I could never get the windows option to work sadly, but I highly recommend you also take a loot at, as I believe they have got windows booting working with much better documentation!