chris2fr / focusplex - You are on a task. Why?
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Verify semantic use of "to" and "do" with verb phrases #20

Open chris2fr opened 5 years ago

chris2fr commented 5 years ago

This software is a task management thing. Todo items become themselves todo lists and can be themselves items in other todo lists.

What is an elegant way to express this list/focus approach in natural language with generic items to do ?

Here is the current solution. Let each todo item be a verb phrase: a bare infinitive then a phrase. Let the title of the list be prefixed with "To" indicating what outcome the list desires. Then let the items of the list optionally be prefixed with the word "do". Furthermore, in order to reflect the encapsulation of the lists, also list the previous lists with "To" as well.

Example :

To make routines work for me to get ready in 45 minutes in the morning do brush my teeth do get dressed do shave my face do make my bed etc. [ ]

The first two "To [verb phrase]" statements seem strange to me. The point is that the first verb phrase is the general goal and the second verb phrase is a more specific goal. It isn't exactly clear. Does it make sense?

chris2fr commented 5 years ago

My current thinking is to reverse partially the order

To [current verb phrase]

to [super verb phrase] to [super super verb phrase]

It seems a little clearer.

Here is an actual example from my own TaskWhat matrix.

To go shopping at the supermarket

to 3 do my chores

to have done good !

chris2fr commented 5 years ago

I am thinking that I am oriented to something like this: Consider "specific objective" as part of an "intermediate objective" as part of "final objective." I.e. I do "specific objective" to achieve "intermediate objective" with the end goal of achieving "final objective." Also consider that I do "specific step 1," "specific step 2" and "specific step 3" in order to achieve specific objective. Everything in quotes should be replaced with the actual content the end-user would provide. Here is how I plan on presenting that information:

to achieve "specific objective":

to achieve "intermediate objective" to achieve "final objective"

chris2fr commented 5 years ago

Here are a couple of links about "in order to"

The below link treats in detail semantics of the thing with so-as-to.

Here is a longer discussion

Here is a discussion about lists