chris2fr / redmine_taskjuggler

Redmine and Task Juggler Integration
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Installation doesn't work #3

Closed retrofreak83 closed 11 years ago

retrofreak83 commented 12 years ago


I clone git into my vendor/plugins, then run rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

And it goes: rake aborted! Expected /var/services-www/redmine-1.2.2/app/models/user.rb to define User

Redmine doesn't come up then anymore.

What goes wrong here?

chris2fr commented 12 years ago

It is time to pick up development on this subject now.

Your timing is impeccable.

A suivre.

Bien cordialement, Sincerely,

Christopher Mann

M.: +33 6 3237 6096 T.: +33 184 184 184 F.: +33 9 7228 6179 7 place de l'Eglise 92260 Fontenay aux Roses (France)

On 22 déc. 2011, at 14:30, retrofreak83 wrote:


I clone git into my vendor/plugins, then run rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

And it goes: rake aborted! Expected /var/services-www/redmine-1.2.2/app/models/user.rb to define User

Redmine doesn't come up then anymore.

What goes wrong here?

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lnxbil commented 12 years ago

"pick up development" +1

chris2fr commented 12 years ago

YES !!!!

jrevillard commented 12 years ago

Any news on that ? I have the same issue whenI try to install it on redmine 1.3.2


chris2fr commented 12 years ago

Inxbil had working code to integrate for TJ2Redine, and I am to get the infrastructure working again. I you would be patient and stay with us, even as a tester, I am appreciative.

jrevillard commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer! I will carefully follow.


karamfil commented 12 years ago

Hello, any update on this?

I'm using redmine-2.1.0 and did a change in init.rb

require 'dispatcher'
require 'issue_patch'
require 'user_patch'

Dispatcher.to_prepare do
  Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)
  Query.send(:include, UserPatch)


# require 'dispatcher'
require 'issue_patch'
require 'user_patch'

ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do
  Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)
  Query.send(:include, UserPatch)
jrevillard commented 12 years ago

So finally... No news?

chris2fr commented 12 years ago


I am quite happy to get back to this project. Merci de cette relance.

Je regarderai dans la semaine! À bientôt,

~ Christopher

Christopher Mann Tel. +33 9 53 33 11 11 Cell. +33 6 51 52 51 55

Le 26 nov. 2012 à 21:35, Jérôme Revillard a écrit :

So finally... No news?

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chris2fr commented 11 years ago

Hello !!!!

I am happy to announce that after quite a while of leaving this to the wayside, I have rewrote the plugin to fit better with Redmine 2.3 and Taskjuggler 3. There is a new release that should install nicely.
