chrisbevan / skin.pellucid

A skin for Kodi by theDeadMan
46 stars 43 forks source link

Modifications/additions #2 #48

Open loggio opened 5 years ago

loggio commented 5 years ago

Hello there,

Since I submitted changes/additions to the PVR functionality, I have made several changes to this skin to tweak things/fix things that I found myself needing or wanting.

If you have a spare minute, please have a look at these changes and consider adding them to the skin. Since I can't see myself finding the time to maintain these mods in line with your skin updates it would be great to see some of this functionality added for eg:

  1. the ability to add media sources with multiple paths.
  2. Changes to isVideoList expression to allow Genre, actors, directors etc...
  3. Ability to enable/disable fanart and poster dim diffusion
  4. The addition of "Score" and "Rating" to the video info.
  5. Fixes to the file manager to show highlighted items
  6. mini video player on all windows.
  7. Allow View_Seasons and View_Episodes to work with video addons... Netflix etc.
  8. Add PVR osd channels list, and dialog seek bar PVR modifications. (from previous git request)

See the below changelog

please see the attached zip file for the modified files.



    1. added Player.ShowInfo to the window visability conditions. This shows the seek bar when cycling PVR channels using up/down arrows.
    2. added separate  <!--liveTV--> group for displaying/handling the diferences of LiveTv OSD info from that of normal media.
    3. added PVR.ChannelNumberInput label for OSD of numeric inputs for channel switching.
    4. added Time and Date header label
    5. Changed player duration to player time remaining for LiveTV.


    1. Added DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml ... Now pressing "guide" or H when in fullscreen livetv you can actually see a channel list.


    1. Changed logos image to "keep" aspect ratio instead of "scale", this scales all channel logos to fit without falling outside the diffusion mask.
    2. Added currently recording pulsating image.


    1. Changed logos image to "keep" aspect ratio instead of "scale", this scales all channel logos to fit without falling outside the diffusion mask.

Language string (english)

    1. Added #31244 - Disable fanart
    2. Added #31245 - Disable Poster Dim
    3. Added #31246 - Score
    4. Added #31247 - Rated


    1. Added button id="17" - option to Disable fanart
    1. Added button id="19" - option to Disable diffuse (dim) on unfocused poster

View_Movies.xml, View_AddonPosters.xml

    1. Added visibility condition to disable fanart related to skin settings toggle.
    2. Added visibility condition to disable diffusion (dim) on unfocused posters.
    3. Changed border size from "12" to "6" so that watched indicators actually fit to the poster edges.


    1. Changed visibility condition "string.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin) |" at line 5 to allow this view to work with video addons.
    2. Changed visibility condition "String.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin) + Container.Content(seasons) | String.Contains(container.folderpath,videodb://" on line 24 so these labels show up in video addons season lists
    3.  changed line 37 from " <label>$INFO[container.showtitle]</label> " to " <label>$INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle]</label> " so this works with certain video addons.


    1. Removed line container.content(seasons) from "isAddonMovieOrTVshow" expression and added  "| String.Contains(container.folderpath,plugin://) + [container.content(seasons)]" to "isSeason" expression. This allows the season view to work in certain video addons.
    2. Added -  container.content(genres) | container.content(directors) | container.content(actors) | container.content(years) | container.content(countries)  to isVideoList expression.
    3. Changed visibility condition to expression isEpisode "| String.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin) + container.content(episodes)" at line 38. to allow this view in plugins.
    4. Changed header subtitle for PVR windows to show a recording logo for "currently recording" information. 


    1. Added value to "listSubTitle" to show information of currently recording channel and show tittle in PVR views 


    1. changed visibility condition at line6 from + "!String.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin)" to "|String.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin)"
    2.Added " | String.Contains(Container.folderpath,plugin) + Container.Content(episodes)" to visibilty conditions on controls. This allows "isEpisode" expression to work with video addons.


    1. changed visability of PVR timers and group options to only show in PVR windows. 

Settings.xml, filemanager.xml, settingscategory.xml, dialogmeduasource.xml, filemanager, addonbrowser.xml, dialogaddonsettings.xml, dialogaddoninfo.xml

    1. added - <include>miniVideoPlayer</include>   


    1. Updated to support sources that contain multiple paths, enabling "add" "delete" and scroll bar. changed path list from panel to list.


    1. Centered "power/settings" labels x position from -1 to 0.5


    1. Added "Score" and "Rated" to the META field. Shows IMDB score (0-10) and MPAA rating.


    1. Changed list labels from <info> to <label>$INFO...</label> and added <selectedcolor> to show highlighted items.


    1. Added Visibility condition to Record button to onlly show when viewing LiveTv - <visible>VideoPlayer.Content(LiveTV)</visible>
    2. Added Slide Animation to center Player controls when record icon is not visible 
    2. Added Progress Bar below player controls.


    1. Changed visibility condition for pulsating recording image from ListItem.HasTimer to ListItem.HasTimer | ListItem.IsRecording
    2. Moved position of recording logo and added slide animation for listitem.label when recording or a timer is set


    1. Added "hack" to fix github issue #47 <onload condition="String.Contains(container.folderpath,plugin://)">Container.SetViewMode(54)</onload> to window settings, this prevents the overlap of certain views when switching from a local library source to a video addon source.
chrisbevan commented 5 years ago

Thanks Loggio, I will consider your work carefully and it is very likely that much of it will be included in the next updates. I much appreciate the effort you have gone to.

I will need to review any changes to the views (e.g. issue #47) very carefully. As you've no doubt seen, the way Pellucid handles views is non-standard and quite fragile!

Cheers, Chris.