chrisbobbe / jekyll-theme-prologue

A Jekyll version of the "Prologue" theme by HTML5 UP
427 stars 937 forks source link

Print with only html instead of including css #93

Closed zhichucode closed 2 years ago

zhichucode commented 2 years ago

Hey, really like your theme.

I forked you repo as my github pages, changed the _config.yml.

baseurl: "/prologue" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site

remote_theme: chrisbobbe/jekyll-theme-prologue
collections: [sections]

But it shows like this:


May I ask you how to make it works well?

zhichucode commented 2 years ago

Oh I solved it by changing the _config.yml with the url and base url. Sorry to bother you!