chrisboulton / php-resque-scheduler

An addon for php-resque that lets you queue jobs for execution some time in the future. Follows resque-scheduler.
MIT License
271 stars 129 forks source link

Project refactored PSR1/2/4, OOP, PHP 5.6+ complement framework yii2 #37

Open spiritdead opened 7 years ago

spiritdead commented 7 years ago

tonight i will push a couple of improvements, but this is my refactor, i rewrite this completely from the beginning and i fix a couple of bugs from the old version + plugin php-resque-scheduler

if someone want to help me improving this welcome

firoxer commented 7 years ago

You've wiped the history of the repo and removed the original author from composer.json.

If this is a refactoring, why did you deliberately claim everything to yourself?

If this is a complete rewrite, why is there code from this repo in your repo without credit?

It's good that someone is working on the code, but I don't think that this is the way to go.

spiritdead commented 7 years ago

@firoxer this is a refactor, this no have any documentation, readme, nothing, i need to add all of these things, if you can provide me i can add in the next commit, i put that for my package

firoxer commented 7 years ago

You didn't really answer the question...

spiritdead commented 7 years ago

@firoxer i forgot, i'm telling you, i'm not in my house to refresh the composer, and i have to push some changes too

spiritdead commented 7 years ago

@firoxer for the version 1.0.4 i added a special thanks

firoxer commented 7 years ago

In my opinion "inspired by X" is insufficient when most of the code is not yours but copied and pasted.

spiritdead commented 7 years ago

you can see the repo, the code is completly different, but i have to improve the Polymorphism and base classes

firoxer commented 7 years ago

You seem to be unable to see the problem. This conversation is pointless.