chrisboyle / sgtpuzzles

Android port of Simon Tatham's Puzzles
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Mines: long press number to auto flag neighbours #32

Open chrisboyle opened 13 years ago

chrisboyle commented 13 years ago

Great suggestion from a user:

"If you long-press a number where all nabouring field are obviously mines, they should be marked as mines. This way, it's easy to avoid accidentally clicking on mines when trying to flag them."

chrisboyle commented 10 years ago

In the context of other platforms, this would be right-mouse-button (which currently has no effect on a number, I think).

chrisboyle commented 7 years ago

Long press (right mouse) on a number now means the same as short press (left mouse), for the benefit of swap-L-R users (see #395), but this behaviour could still be rolled into that. Logic would be that for a tile numbered N, if you have N flags and some uncovered, it still uncovers (as now) but if you have exactly N covered (some of which may already be flagged) then it sets flags.

chrisboyle commented 2 years ago

Patch from Ignazio Di Napoli I fished out of my inbox:
