chrisboyle / sgtpuzzles

Android port of Simon Tatham's Puzzles
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Option to hold L/R swap button instead of tapping it #493

Open omgitsraven opened 3 years ago

omgitsraven commented 3 years ago

For games where I'm switching frequently (i.e. Slant), I would like if there were an option to use the L/R swap button as follows:

  1. Press my finger down on swap button (and leave it there)
  2. Press my finger down on a cell, then lift it up again: R touch is performed
  3. Lift my finger up from swap button
  4. Press my finger down on another cell, then lift it up again: L touch is performed.

i.e. an option for the swap button to only be active while my finger is STILL ON it, rather than for it to be a permanent swap until the next time I touch it.

Maybe if a touch/release happens on the swap WITHOUT touching the board, it could continue to behave as before, so the 'default' state could still be easily changed, for games with a sort of 'second phase' where one state becomes much more likely than the other but frequent swapping is still somewhat required?

To summarize, I would like the swap button to behave as follows:

i.e. the button's new functionality will only make a difference if people are performing multi-touches, so existing players won't be inconvenienced.

goyalyashpal commented 2 years ago

interesting thought.

(search keywords for myself and context for others:) i was also having some ideas regarding improving L/R buttons - but in a different way. will share as a new issue later.