chrisbra / Colorizer

color hex codes and color names
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[doc]: Add instructions for the basic `packages` workflow #105

Closed oliv3r closed 10 months ago

oliv3r commented 10 months ago

Since vim8, plugins are handled natively via the vim packages (pack/plugin/start). This makes installation more standardized and easier for the end user.

Add a simple instruction (git clone etc) how to install colorizer in the most common scenario's. Likewise, the docs say 'edit vimball' but don't explain why this is needed at all ... e.g. I didn't quite understand what was meant with :so % so from my running vim, I just did :so <path to colorizer>, which did something :p

No vim plugin expert, just a dumb user, but doing said installation doesn't work for me, I still need to install the vimball? If so maybe this ticket should be changed to make the repo more supportive to said flow? Just a thought.