chrisbra / Colorizer

color hex codes and color names
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Incorrect colors displaying #57

Closed boardfish closed 7 years ago

boardfish commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to port the base16-google themes to my wal wallpapers, and I'm using Colorizer as a guide to which slots I've put each color in. However, despite having set xterm-256color and setting t_Co to 256, the colors are still highlighted inaccurately. I can't really see another way to pinpoint the problem.

EDIT: Getting this in other terminals too, with other colorizer plugins. It's clear that it perhaps doesn't have much to do with this program at all. I'll post a solution here when I find one.

EDIT 2: Turns out it's possibly to do with wal.

chrisbra commented 7 years ago

Okay good. BTW: I don't understand from your screenshot what exactly is wrong with the colors.