chrisbra / Colorizer

color hex codes and color names
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Unable to colorize files of type "text" #95

Closed systemmonkey42 closed 2 years ago

systemmonkey42 commented 2 years ago

I've been unable to colorize text files with ANSI escape sequences.

It appears the following

    " disable terminal coloring for all filetypes except text files
    " it's too expensive and probably does not make sense to enable it for
    " other filetypes
    let s:colorizer_term_disable = !(empty(&filetype) || &filetype != 'text')
    let s:colorizer_nroff_disable = !(empty(&filetype) || &filetype != 'text')

doesn't do what it says it does.

Changing it to

    " disable terminal coloring for all filetypes except text files
    " it's too expensive and probably does not make sense to enable it for
    " other filetypes
    let s:colorizer_term_disable = !(empty(&filetype) || &filetype == 'text')
    let s:colorizer_nroff_disable = !(empty(&filetype) || &filetype == 'text')

allows files of type text to be highlighted, though its still not perfect because it doesn't work when type "text" is added to g:colorizer_auto_color (Need to manually run :ColorHighlight!)

What is the correct way to highlight files of type "text" without modifying the plugin?


chrisbra commented 2 years ago

thanks. I fixed the first part. The second, I cannot reproduce, seems to work with let g:colorizer_auto_filetype="text"

In contrast: g:colorizer_auto_color should be either set to 1 or 0. So can you please give correct reproduction steps?

systemmonkey42 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I gave up on colorizer because once I got it working I realised how many problems it had, and left it at that.

systemmonkey42 commented 2 years ago

As an example, with a typical colored log file (The example I used is 56000 lines) opening the file in vim, and executing :AnsiESC From the AnsiESC plugin produces clean highlighted text in about 0.05 seconds.

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
    1   0.056895   0.003746  AnsiEsc#AnsiEsc()
    1   0.028181   0.000053  <SNR>193_airline_refresh()
    6   0.026611   0.005349  airline#highlighter#highlight()

When I reload the file, or split the buffer, the contents retain their color and formatting.

The same file, using :ColorHighlight, stops after a minute with a vim error about time being exceeded and kills the operation

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
    1  65.109219   1.297908  Colorizer#DoColor()
41578  63.512494   2.109064  <SNR>194_PreviewColorTerm()
41578  39.454725   0.756910  <SNR>194_SetMatcher()

Reloading files, or splitting buffers results in color highlighting being lost, escape characters reappear, and even forcing ':ColorHighlight!' restores colours, but the escape characters remain visible

Out if interest, what is the exact build version of VIM you are using? I will test with that version and compare.

chrisbra commented 2 years ago

Well, the ANSI terminal coloring was never really inscope for colorizer. I just added it because it seems to fit into it. I have noticed slowness myself with long terminal logfiles from e.g. CI output. So I suppose regexp parsing and creating several hundreds of matches may slow it down significantly.

If AnsiESC works, fine. I never really liked the :syntax approach from it. But use whatever works for you best. And note, Vim is an editor, not something that should parse terminal output.