Closed fourjay closed 9 years ago
Here's a reasonable workaround, map a NRX to a repetition of the NR mapping with an additional pipe char plus the set ft statement. This comes close enough to my request to scratch the itch (still seems like some version of it would be useful)
I've come up with a fairly simple approach that seems like it might be a good candidate for inclusion in the main release, altering (or in my case creating a new function) that takes a (prompted) filetype argument. FWIW, I think this plugin/approach is the strongest way to support multi-language files. Among other things, it allows the full power of ftplugins, not just syntax highlighting. With this approach we get snippets, custom FT plugins, autocomplete etc...
function! s:NR_ft_complete(...)
" this could clearly be smarter :-)
return "sql\n" .
\ "html\n" .
\ "css\n" .
\ "awk\n" .
\ "ldif\n" .
\ "mail\n" .
\ "csv\n" .
\ "perl\n" .
\ "sh\n" .
\ "javascript\n"
command! -nargs=* -bang -range -complete=custom,<SID>NR_ft_complete␣
\ NN
\ :<line1>,<line2> call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn('',<q-bang> )
\ | set filetype=<args>
Hi Josef!
On Mi, 30 Sep 2015, Josef Fortier wrote:
I've come up with a fairly simple approach that seems like it might be a good candidate for inclusion in the main release, altering (or in my case creating a new function) that takes a (prompted) filetype argument. FWIW, I think this plugin/approach is the strongest way to support multi-language files. Among other things, it allows the full power of ftplugins, not just syntax highlighting, snippets etc.
command! -nargs=* -bang -range -complete=custom,<SID>NR_ft_complete␣ \ NN \ :<line1>,<line2> call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn('',<q-bang> ) \ | set filetype=<args> function NrrwRegionGuessFiletype() let firstlines = getline(1) . getline(2) let explicit_syntax =␣ \matchstr(␣ \ firstlines,␣ \ '\v(SQL|HTML|AWK|CSS|MAIL|JAVASCRIPT)' \ ) if explicit_syntax != '' execute "set filetype=" . tolower(explicit_syntax) elseif firstlines =~ '\v(UPDATE|INSERT|SELECT)' set filetype=sql elseif firstlines =~ 'BEGIN {' set filetype=awk elseif firstlines =~ '\v\<.*\>' set filetype=html endif endfunction
And you want this included? or just documented as an example on how to use it?
Liebe Grüße
Nein, das ist keine SchreIBMaschine!
Either one would make me happy :-) FWIW I deliberately made the mapping default to the old behavior so that existing behavior would not change, but instead would be augmented (with user friendly, at least to me, tab completion).
I have included this for now in the documentation. If this turns out to be really useful, I'll put it into the plugin later.
Thanks for contributing.
Sorry for shaking a closed issue, but I think this properly goes here rather than in a separate/new issue.
In my experience just setting 'filetype' is sometimes not enough, since other options set in the "parent" buffer which are not affected by setting 'filetype' may affect the behavior of the "child" buffer. In particular I often have problems with 'indentexpr'. Obviously I can — and do — just empty 'indentexpr' but that is often not the desired thing to do: it may be that the "child" filetype normally sets its own 'indentexpr'. It would be great if there were some way to run all the autocommands etc which are normally run when a new buffer of the "child" filetype is loaded.
Hm, that is nearly impossible. Setting the filetype should trigger all the related and necessary autocommands (like indenting etc). But there can be of course autocommands, that run on filenames or similar, There is no way to capture those and apply them to the narrowed buffer I believe. Not sure how to provide a better option here.
Having the ability to indicate filetype in the narrow region itself would be quite helpful. My usage pattern: 1) Isolate an embedded bit of code in a different language (SQL for example) 2) Run NR on the section 3) Manually set filetype
I was curious if I could add a modeline (which did not work of course). But I'd definitely use this facility if was offered. Among other things, the modeline becomes a form of documentation.
I see g:nrrw_custom_options, but this is to broad. Not every file I work with has only one embedded language, and maintaining a directory exrc file is an impediment.
Thanks for considering this :-)