chrisbra / Recover.vim

A Plugin to show a diff, whenever recovering a buffer
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Specific Plugin Manager recommendation #76

Closed BillyCroan closed 12 months ago

BillyCroan commented 12 months ago

We recommend installing with a plugin manager (there are several).

Might you recommend one? I want to install your plugin the recommended way, but perhaps I have not used a plugin manager before. Perhaps this plugin is not available in all plugin managers? I'm using Debian 12.

chrisbra commented 12 months ago

I would actually just make use of packages, e.g. simply clone into ~/.vim/packages/dist/start

But I have heard good things about

Note: I am not using a plugin manager, so cannot recommend one.

BillyCroan commented 12 months ago

$ mkdir ~/.vim/packages/dist/start -p $ cd ~/.vim/packages/dist/start /.vim/packages/dist/start$ ls /.vim/packages/dist/start$ git clone Cloning into 'Recover.vim'... remote: Enumerating objects: 946, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done. remote: Total 946 (delta 25), reused 54 (delta 20), pack-reused 885 Receiving objects: 100% (946/946), 264.62 KiB | 286.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (420/420), done. me@host /.vim/packages/dist/start$ vim asdf me@host /.vim/packages/dist/start$ vim asdf Vim: Caught deadly signal TERM Vim: preserving files... Vim: Finished. Terminated ~/.vim/packages/dist/start$ vim asdf

(I killed vim from another tab) Didn't seem to work. I should have see the compare option right?

Then I went back to this projects install instructions (the ones after the recommendation to use a plugin manager) and I followed: ~/.vim/packages/dist/start$ vim Recover.vim/Recover.vmb (and did the :so % incantation) and........ ~/.vim/packages/dist/start$ vim asdf ~/.vim/packages/dist/start$

It works!!!! Thanks! Hopefully this thread helps the next guy and/or gal