As a driver and rider, I want to manage the various stages of a trip so that I can successfully complete the ride with clear communication and the ability to cancel if necessary.
User Stories:
[ ] [User Story]: Store trip details (driver, rider, time of start and end, pickup, and drop-off points) for tracking and logging trips.
[ ] [User Story]: Show driver and rider details (name, profile picture, and vehicle information) for easy identification during pickup.
[ ] [User Story]: Display the driver’s current location on the map in real-time so that the rider can track their approach.
[ ] [User Story]: Enable in-app chat between driver and rider for resolving pickup or trip-related issues.
[ ] [User Story]: Allow the driver or rider to cancel the trip if needed.
[ ] [User Story]: Log all trip cancellations, including who canceled and the reason, for business analytics and service improvement.
[ ] [User Story]: Show the real-time route from the driver’s location to the pickup point for the rider’s convenience.
Acceptance Criteria:
The system securely stores trip details, including driver, rider, start and end times, and pickup and drop-off locations.
Both driver and rider profiles display essential details, such as name, profile picture, and, for drivers, vehicle information.
The rider can view the driver’s real-time location on a map, updating automatically as the driver approaches.
In-app chat functionality allows for communication between driver and rider during the trip.
Both driver and rider have the option to cancel the trip, with prompts to specify a reason.
The system logs cancellation details (who canceled and why) for business records and service enhancement.
The app displays the driver's route to the pickup point in real-time for the rider’s reference.
As a driver and rider, I want to manage the various stages of a trip so that I can successfully complete the ride with clear communication and the ability to cancel if necessary.
User Stories:
Acceptance Criteria: