chriscook8 / esp-arduino-apboot

ESP8266 wifi configurator in Arduino lang.. uses eeprom for configs, boots to AP mode if no working config found
153 stars 61 forks source link

the code in void loop() does not get executed #1

Closed rajbadri closed 9 years ago

rajbadri commented 9 years ago

your sketch works perfectly. It connects to my wifi router and when i connect with the browser it gives "Hello from ESP8266". But when i try to code in the void loop() it does not get executed.

Please help


chriscook8 commented 9 years ago

That's mostly by design. The mdns1 function that contains the webserver url actions is set to loop. Since this is just a template for further use you would want to add your own actions to that section. One such action could be a return() to escape out of the webserver that is established in setup() and then to move on to the main loop() of the program or simply do your coding in this section.