chriscook8 / esp-arduino-apboot

ESP8266 wifi configurator in Arduino lang.. uses eeprom for configs, boots to AP mode if no working config found
153 stars 61 forks source link

qsid esid question #7

Open eysaku opened 8 years ago

eysaku commented 8 years ago

Hi first congratulation for the code, Im try to do the same but ith the esp8266webserver library, Im checking the code and I dont understand why you write the ssid in the string qsid and you read esid for looking the ssid, why is that or Im wrong thnak you

eysaku commented 8 years ago

Hi againg seeing the code carefully I noted when you write the ssid and pass you used memory address from 0 to 96 clear frist and write and in the top of the code you read these memory address so the var dont matter because you are reading the memory address is that correct?.