chriscrowe / docker-pihole-unbound

Run Pi-Hole + Unbound on Docker
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wen pihole update? #100

Open cyanide699 opened 2 years ago

cyanide699 commented 2 years ago

hi... pinhole updated yesterday but pihile -up doesn't work within the docker. any ETA when will be updated?

xaabi6 commented 2 years ago

Maintainer usually waits a few days just to see if the update is stable enough before updating it.

If you do not want to wait, you could fork it and update it yourself by applying this changes, but of course, remember to use the newer version number: 2022.02.1

cyanide699 commented 2 years ago

ah ok thankyou!

cyanide699 commented 2 years ago

Hi!, I can see the date has changed and modified yesterday, I just tried to recreate the image from latest again (portainer - recreate/pull latest) and now get an error

"Failure pull access denied for sha256, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied"

do i need to sign in or something? sorry never seen this before when updating images through portainer

bioszombie commented 2 years ago

Do you have to use portainer? If not the command line instructions worked fine for me.

cyanide699 commented 2 years ago

the .yaml stack code you mean? if so that's what I'm using thanks

bioszombie commented 2 years ago

Just don’t update via portainer. ssh to your host or use the cli on the host machine to update the docker image then run the container.

cyanide699 commented 2 years ago

thanks that got it, had to delete / recreate all good thanks

alex-manutd commented 2 years ago

Could someone kindly outline the steps to update pi-hole for a noob.
Is it simply stop the container, run 'docker pull', then start the container?

xaabi6 commented 2 years ago

Exactly @alex-manutd, but I think that you also have to delete the running container, docker-compose takes care of that but I would say that docker doesn't.