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post/back-to-the-server-side/ #2

Open utterances-bot opened 5 months ago

utterances-bot commented 5 months ago

Htmx - Back to the Server Side | Green Thinking

A blog post on recent trends for hypermedia

azimov commented 5 months ago

Definitely agree with the sentiment of this article. Javascript web apps actually sit in a weird place between wanting to run everything on the client while also simultaneously wanting to wall off data on the server side.

My experience with all Javascript frameworks has been bad. They're like ORMs in the database world. They add this middle layer to solve a problem of not wanting to have to understand something to get started, but then always add a tonne of complexity that ends up hampering performance.

I also avoid writing any Javascript these days. Not because I can't but because I don't want to have to maintain something that will be out of date in 3 months.