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No green box. Console errors #42

Closed ieatpuppies closed 10 months ago

ieatpuppies commented 10 months ago

Used the previous versions in my workflows with no issue. This latest update is causing issues. Comfyui is up to date.

Using the basic workflow in docs:

Right clicking a chooser image gives me nothing. No green box, no menu, nothing. Have to fully kill Comfyui and restart since I can't cancel the workflow. Noticed some errors related to Nestednodebuilder in my console, so I tried removing that. Still no green box, but now I have the bog standard right click menu at least.

Remove and reinstall image chooser. No change. Reinstall nestednodebuilder. Back to no right click menu. Any ideas?

Here's the console dump when i right click:

Uncaught TypeError: cyclic object value cloneObject serializeWorkflow getExtraMenuOptions getNodeMenuOptions processContextMenu processMouseDown processMouseDown litegraph.core.js:599:37

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

Quick q's:

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

Update 2.5.3 may have fixed this.

ieatpuppies commented 10 months ago

Tried the update, still didn't work. I've since installed a second instance of Comfyui and omitted all of the custom nodes I wasn't really using. That second instance has no issues with image chooser. I was trying to pinpoint which node was causing the issue, but removing stable-wildcards deleted my custom_nodes directory entirely, so I got annoyed and just swapped to the new install permanently.

To answer your questions:

  1. There were no errors in the log when nestednodebuilder was removed. However, the chooser simply failed to function.
  2. Workflow tested was the basic one you uploaded in docs.
  3. A fresh install with the following nodes works correctly: Manager, impact pack, controlnet auxiliary preprocessors, efficiency nodes, was node suite, freeu_advanced, pythongosssss custom scripts, ultimatesdupscale, comfyui_ipadapter_plus, wlsh_nodes, rgthree's comfyui

The install that was failing had the following nodes: Manager, Impact Pack, Inspire Pack, controlnet Auxiliary Preprocessors, CLIPSeg, Efficiency Nodes, _Derfuu_comfyuimoddednodes, WAS node suite, masquerade nodes, freeu_advanced, pythongosssss custom scripts, UltimateSDUpscale, ComfyUI-Bmad-DirtyUndoRedo, SeargeSDXL, Simple Math, Comfyui_ipadapter_plus, comfymath, wlsh_nodes, reactor node 0.1.0 for comfyui, rgthree's comfyui nodes, bsz-cui-extras, use everywhere, save image extended, comfyui-stable-wildcards

Everything in bold italics is the delta between the working and non-working installs.

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

thanks - great detail. I'll try adding the bold italics packs to a clean install and approach from that side!

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

OK - looks like the culprit is DirtyUndoRedo. And the reason is that they capture mouse clicks and don't pass them on.

Can you try with everything except that? I'll raise an issue on their github.

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

I've raised an issue and even done a PR with the required fix for them

ieatpuppies commented 10 months ago

Ok, attempted with all of those nodes minus the DirtyUndoRedo. No green box, no option to progress image, right click menu available, no messaging in the console.

So I removed bsz-cui-extras, derfuu, simple math, comfymath, and still nothing. So I just deleted that install of Comfy.

Then I tried using all those bold/italics nodes on a new Comfy install, and everything worked fine. Added DirtyUndoRedo, back to not working. Removed DirtyUndoRedo again, still does not work.

So it looks like installing DirtyUndoRedo creates the issue, and it does not go away even if you uninstall it.

Which is easy enough to avoid because i wasn't using it anyway. Hopefully they respond to the issue so other folks don't hit the same trap.

Thanks for helping track down the problem.

chrisgoringe commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your detective work...

When you uninstall a custom node, it can leave its JavaScript around. The trick is to go into [comfy]/web/extensions and delete everything except 'core', then restart.