chrisgoringe / cg-image-picker

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Reload old versions of node (was: invalid literal for int() with base 10 Error) #61

Closed pixldevjp closed 9 months ago

pixldevjp commented 9 months ago

After updating comfyui yesterday I see the following error when running my workflow.

ERROR:root:  - Failed to convert an input value to a INT value: count, , invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
ERROR:root:* Preview Chooser 49:

I have removed the image-picker node from my system and reinstalled it via git clone and also via the comfy manager but the error has not resolved itself.

I'd appreciate any advice or hints for a workaround, as I really do enjoy using the image preview chooser in nearly all of my workflows lately.

Thanks in advance.

MG007Raiser commented 9 months ago

I am getting the same error after the update, just an FYI! Would be great if you can resolve it sometime soon, I dont believe there are any nodes that do what yours does :)

chrisgoringe commented 9 months ago

Can you try removing the chooser node (not the custom node pack, the actual node in the workflow) and re-adding it?

There's a new widget that's been added, I suspect that's the issue. If that works I can put a proper fix in after the weekend.

pixldevjp commented 9 months ago

Chris, thanks for your reply and for your work on this awesome node.

I'm happy to report that removing the node from the workflow and then re-adding it works without any further error.

Much appreciated!!

chrisgoringe commented 9 months ago

Changed title to reflect what I need to fix

chrisgoringe commented 9 months ago

Reopened just to remind me to do a proper fix

MG007Raiser commented 9 months ago

Readding it worked, thanks!

chrisgoringe commented 9 months ago
