chrisgoringe / cg-image-picker

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The chooser prevents prior nodes from working. #82

Closed GalaxyTimeMachine closed 4 months ago

GalaxyTimeMachine commented 5 months ago

I'd expect that the chooser only prevents nodes from working after this node, but not before it. For example, in the image below, if I do nothing or cancel the run, it doesn't save the image or show the preview in the preview node. These are fed by the node BEFORE the chooser, so they should still run. I only want it to control whether the "Set_Image" node is activated.


GalaxyTimeMachine commented 5 months ago

I thought I could get around this by moving the chooser node to after the "Get_Image" node, but the behaviour is the same. Having it anywhere in the flow seems to block the preview and save nodes, unless I continue the run.

chrisgoringe commented 5 months ago

The chooser node pauses the flow when comfy executes it.

Unfortunately comfy node execution order is not intuitive or easily modified.

I believe there are some custom nodes around which show execution order; there may even be some that modify it. But it's beyond the scope of image chooser for the time being.

chrisgoringe commented 5 months ago

The problem is that although the preview and save are fed by the same node as the chooser, logically they aren't "before" (or "after") the chooser; they are independent of it. So comfy can choose whichever execution order it wants.

GalaxyTimeMachine commented 5 months ago

I did wonder if that was the case. Thanks anyway! :)