chrishasz / spgo

SPGo: A Lightweight, Open Source, SharePoint IDE for Visual Studio Code
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Can't publish since last update #106

Closed germain-italic closed 4 years ago

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Hi, me and my team are facing a weird issue since last week (say Tuesday or Friday). I can see that there were new commits 5 days ago so I'm wondering if it's related.

Basically we can't publish files anymore. We're facing the issue on different sites/tenants/accounts, so certain it's not an account problem.

We can save :

[09/12/2019 à 17:04:38] SPGo enabled.
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:43] Getting file information for:  c:\...\.css
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:45] Check out Type: 2
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:45] File is not checked out.
[09/12/2019 à 17:05:12] Saving file:  c:\...\.css
[09/12/2019 à 17:05:13] File saved successfully

We have this "File is not checked out." message that did not occur before. Of course we try to checkout the file: nothing happens.

We try to publish the file: nothing happens.

In short, we're stuck.

Is there any way to turn back to a previous version?

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Just to confirm, current version is: 1.5.0 - 2019-12-03 => not working

Previous version was: 1.4.5 - 2019-10-22 => working

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

I've revert to 1.4.5 by opening the Extensions panel then right-click on SPGo > install other version.

Can confirm the publishing is working again:

Publishing Major file version:  c:\...\.css
Saving file:  c:\...\.css
File publish complete.

Feel free to ask anything if it helps for debugging.

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

Hello @Germain-Italic

Couple of things to help debug here:

I assume this is SharePoint online using Digest authentication?

1) Can you post your spgo.json config file? (feel free to mask the tenant name e.g. 2) Are you using Windows, or OSX/Linux? 3) How are you publishing the file? Are you using the Publish Minor or Publish Major commands, or are you using the automated publish file on save feature? If you are using the commands, are you using the treeview, hotkey, or VSCode command window? 4) do you see any errors in the console log when you enable VSCode developer window? You can enable this through the menu on windows OS by going `Help->Toggle Developer Tools"

Regarding the output messages, I enhanced logging in 1.5.0 to provide more data to help debug as well as adding timestamps for the messages to better understand which events are grouped. The message you shared come from two different groups. The first group shows SPGo successfully loading, and then you opened a .css file. SPGo queries the server for information about all files that are opened for edit. In this case, you can see that the file is not checked out. A Check out Type of "2" is the enum for "Not checked out" per the documentation

[09/12/2019 à 17:04:38] SPGo enabled.
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:43] Getting file information for:  c:\...\.css
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:45] Check out Type: 2
[09/12/2019 à 17:04:45] File is not checked out.

The second group shows that a file is saved successfully to the server, but it not published. Did you use the publish command here? If not, it looks like there may be a bug in how Publishing works when automatic publishing is enabled on save.

[09/12/2019 à 17:05:12] Saving file:  c:\...\.css
[09/12/2019 à 17:05:13] File saved successfully

I'll look into auto-publishing, if you can help answer the questions above.

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

I assume this is SharePoint online using Digest authentication?


Can you post your spgo.json config file?

    "sourceDirectory": "src",
    "sharePointSiteUrl": "",
    "publishingScope": "SaveOnly",
    "authenticationType": "Digest",
    "storeCredentials": true,
    "remoteFolders": [

Are you using Windows, or OSX/Linux?

3 devs using Windows 10 latest stable update. Should this help:

How are you publishing the file?

Publish major using hotkey and treeview + right-click depending on the user. Edit: not using hotkey but command palette + "sppu" + enter key.

do you see any errors in the console log

Debug console was already opened and checked, it stays blank.

The second group shows that a file is saved successfully to the server, but it not published. Did you use the publish command here?

Nope it's the default action from SPGo.json, we always save automatically, publish major manually (we don't use publish minor, however we've tried it for debug purpose and it didn't work either, ie. not output message in SPGo output or debug console).

Good luck!

PopWarner commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that v1.50 is failing also when you even try to "Configure workspace".

I was able to rollback to v1.4.5 and it works successfully.

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

@Germain-Italic @PopWarner - I'm really having a hard time reproducing this issue.

If I understand what you are seeing correctly:

Is this what both of you are seeing? Are there any other details that I'm missing which can help me reproduce?

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Hi @chrishasz, that's correct except:

When the command is run from either the context menu, or the command runner (++p), there are messages output to the SPGo output logs, but no errors.

Nope. Saving files works and show the log but publishing does not do / output anything. Also "Populating local workspace" spins continuously sometimes in the bottom left blue bar after the first save/populate.

PopWarner commented 4 years ago

Same for me as @Germain-Italic. On a brand new machine, Windows, installed the most recent version of VSCode and SPGo and VSCode open to a folder.

I then am able to F1, type SPG, then select "Configure Workspace" and nothing happens. No output, almost as if I didn't even select it.

I installed the previous version and perform the same steps and it worked as expected.

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

@PopWarner - I am able to reproduce the issue you are seeing with a clean setup on a new folder. I was also able to get the “Configure Workspace” command to work if I ran it twice in a row. Can you confirm if this works for you? I’ll fix this in 1.5.1.

@Germain-Italic - can you show me the vscode output from the dev console when you run the “Publish Major” command? A screenshot is fine.

Thanks all! I’m hoping to get this resolved soon with your help.

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

@chrishasz the Debug Console always stays empty.

When I run from F1 > Publish major: nothing happens.

When I run from file explorer > right click > publish major: seems to work normally:

[12/12/2019 à 21:30:37] SPGo enabled.
[12/12/2019 à 21:32:21] Publishing Major file version:  c:\xxx.css
[12/12/2019 à 21:32:32] Saving file:  c:\xxx.css
[12/12/2019 à 21:32:36] File publish complete.

I have to admin that I did not try to use the Publish feature using contextual menu before tonight!

PopWarner commented 4 years ago

@chrishasz, I just tested what works for you, in running "Configure Workspace" twice in a row on a clean folder setup and it does not work. :( This is with SPGO 1.5 and the follwoing VSCode version: image

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

@Germain-Italic @PopWarner - I have now successfully reproduced both issues locally. Thank you both for the help. I will get these issues resolved for 1.5.1.

@Germain-Italic are you able to use the option of publishing from the context menu as a workaround until 1.5.1 is released?

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Hi we rolled back to 1.4.x

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

@Germain-Italic, @PopWarner - I released SPGo 1.5.1 to the VSCode Marketplace last night which will resolve this issue.

Please check it out and let me know if the bugs are resolved for you and I will close this issue.

PopWarner commented 4 years ago

Yay!! I can confirm success in the "Configure Workspace" functionality. I will do a complete test asap and report back. Thanks, @chrishasz for the swift corrections! 👍

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Hello, "Publish a major version of the current file" seems to be working! Congratulations

pfrowe commented 4 years ago

"Publish a minor version of the current file" worked for me in 1.5.1 where it did not in 1.5.0. Thanks!

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

@chrishasz just to let you know that Palette > Get server version is not working, with no log/error message. Right click > Get server version works however.

Using 1.5.1.

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for letting me know @Germain-Italic. I'll get this turned around in the next few days.

chrishasz commented 4 years ago

OK, I got motivated tonight and I fixed this bug in version1.5.2, which is available now on the VSCode marketplace.

I also added better documentation for the multiple workspaces and SubSites features.

germain-italic commented 4 years ago

Confirmed as working, congratulations @chrishasz

[20/12/2019 à 20:13:51] Getting server version for:  020-user.js
[20/12/2019 à 20:13:51] Successfully downloaded 1 files to: c:\Users\...
chrishasz commented 4 years ago

Looks like everything is stable. Closing.