chrishasz / spgo

SPGo: A Lightweight, Open Source, SharePoint IDE for Visual Studio Code
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Populate remote folders #94

Closed Joey055 closed 5 years ago

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Since the last update I can't populate recursively my remote folders :s Before that it was working very well. Is there a new syntax? If I set folder one by one it works but... It was easier before.

{ "sourceDirectory": "src", "sharePointSiteUrl": "xxx", "publishingScope": "None", "authenticationType": "NTLM", "storeCredentials": true, "remoteFolders": [ "/Style Library/*/", "/SiteAssets/*/", "/_catalogs/masterpage/*" ] }


Configuration file reloaded Starting File Synchronization... Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/_catalogs/masterpage Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/SiteAssets Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/Style Library file synchronization complete.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Just saw that some stars were missing in my previous post

{ "sourceDirectory": "src", "sharePointSiteUrl": "xxx", "publishingScope": "None", "authenticationType": "NTLM", "storeCredentials": true, "remoteFolders": [ "/Style Library/NRB/**/*", "/Style Library/NRB/js/", "/Style Library/NRB/css/", "/SiteAssets/**/*", "/_catalogs/masterpage/*/" ] }


Starting File Synchronization... Successfully downloaded 12 files to: src/Style Library/NRB/css/ Successfully downloaded 13 files to: src/Style Library/NRB/js/ Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/_catalogs/masterpage Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/SiteAssets Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/Style Library/NRB file synchronization complete.

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

Hello @Joey055 -

SPGo uses Glob notation to specify downlod file format.

You have the correct notation (/**/*) to recursively download all files and folders. The glob notation to download all files recursively from Style Library and all files directly under the masterpage directory would look something like this:

    "sourceDirectory": "src", 
    "sharePointSiteUrl": "xxx", 
    "publishingScope": "None", 
    "authenticationType": "NTLM", 
    "storeCredentials": true, 
    "remoteFolders": [ 
        "/Style Library/**/*",
Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Yes but it's not working anymore since few days... Just successfully download 0 files. I'm using the same config files since few months and it was working perfectly before :/ Any ideas of what could have change?

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

The reason it changed is that I implemented a much more full featured glob parser, giving support for extended formatting, and grouping clauses. The result is much more control over your files, at a trade for requiring more strict syntax usage.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Ok, but the simple /*/ doesn't work anymore. What the new syntax to get all the files and subfolders ?

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

Hello @Joey055 -

The Globstar pattern (**/*) is working correctly in all of my test environments. I am not sure why it is not working for you. Even when I build overlaps into my remoteFolder property, it is correctly downloading all files.

A few notes to help you with the entries you have in your remoteFolder data:

  1. "/Style Library/NRB/**/*" - this is formatted correctly and should download all files and folders, recursively, under the /Style Library/NRB folder.
  2. "/Style Library/NRB/js/" - this folder is included in the above globstar pattern and isn't necessary as a separate line.
  3. "/Style Library/NRB/css/" - this folder would also be included in the first globstar pattern and isn't necessary as a separate line.
  4. "/SiteAssets/**/*" - this is formatted correctly and should download all files and folders, recursively, under the SiteAssets folder.
  5. "/_catalogs/masterpage/*/" - you need to remove the trailing slash: `"/_catalogs/masterpage/*"'

If it would help, do you mind telling me which folders and files you would like to download from your SharePoint web and I'll help you craft a remoteFolders property value which will get you what you want.

Thanks for working with me on this.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

That's why I gave you the console output Successfully downloaded 12 files to: src/Style Library/NRB/css/ Successfully downloaded 13 files to: src/Style Library/NRB/js/ Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/_catalogs/masterpage Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/SiteAssets Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/Style Library/NRB

line 2 and 3 are working, the others not :/

Some other logs can be found to give you more info about what is happening?

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, since I'm not able to reproduce this issue I'll need to rely on you for more info.

Can you replace your remoteFolders value with the following:

"remoteFolders": [ 
        "/Style Library/NBR/**/*",

Also, I'm sure you are, but can you confirm that you are using SPGo 1.4.2?

Thank you!

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Yes it's the 1.4.2

{ "sourceDirectory": "src", "sharePointSiteUrl": "xxx", "publishingScope": "None", "authenticationType": "NTLM", "storeCredentials" : true, "remoteFolders": [ "/Style Library/NRB/**/*", "/SiteAssets/**/*", "/_catalogs/masterpage/*" ] }

SPGo enabled. Configuration file reloaded Starting File Synchronization... Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/Style Library/NRB Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/_catalogs/masterpage Successfully downloaded 0 files to: src/SiteAssets file synchronization complete.

chrishasz commented 5 years ago


Is there any chance that you are working on the root web of the root site collection (e.g.

I think I've found an issue when working with certain Glob commands against this site.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Yes in this case I'm in the root of the webapp. I didn't try if it worked or not in a subsite. I will try tomorrow at the office.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

You found the issue ;-) I just tried in other workspace with a subsite and there it works fine. Please let me know when this bug will be fixed :-)

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

Since you have confirmed the root cause, I will have a fix out in the next day.

chrishasz commented 5 years ago

Version 1.4.3 has been published to the Visual Studio Marketplace. Please update to the latest version and confirm here if the issue is resolved.

Joey055 commented 5 years ago

Well Done! It works :-)