chrishayesmu / XCOM-LW-CommunityEdition

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Question about project status #101

Open xagero opened 2 months ago

xagero commented 2 months ago

Hello! I plan to make and release my version of the XCOM LW 1.0 balance changes. For some changes it will be enough to edit files (DefaultGameCore.ini, DefaultGameData.ini etc). But other balance changes require changes to the source code. I also plan to add several new items and technologies. I think XCOM-LW-CommunityEdition project can be useful for me. So, the question is - is this project ready for work and open-beta testing?

chrishayesmu commented 2 months ago

Hi! This project is still being worked on, but it's not in a playable state and I don't anticipate a generally playable release for at least a year, probably more. Right now I'm getting "close" (in relative terms) to finishing framework-level rewrites of the strategy layer. There will then be significant rewrites for the tactical layer as well, which will be more challenging.

I'd recommend releasing your mod for LW 1.0 for now, and hopefully you can port it over to LWCE when it's ready.