chrisheninger /

:city_sunset: :page_facing_up: :printer: A simple web app to help people create and print a basic rental resume
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Add Date Picker to Select Input Fields #1

Open ryanwiemer opened 8 years ago

ryanwiemer commented 8 years ago

Add a Date Picker to the date specific input fields. A special requirement for this is a button on the date picker to represent "present" such as a job worked from January 2014 - present.

ryanwiemer commented 7 years ago


There is currently a pull request for this.

Right now it is functional although after playing around with it I think we need to add a month / year dropdown selector so the user doesn't need to click 50 times to navigate to a date a few years in the past. 😉

We can use this example for understanding how this can be achieved with react-day-picker.


Thanks, Ryan

chrisheninger commented 7 years ago

@ryanwiemer re: react-dates– that's what I'm using on projects at work currently. I've done a bunch of datepicker research and built plenty of my own– airbnb did an excellent job and has the best solution I've seen to date.

ryanwiemer commented 7 years ago


Cool. In that case react-dates seems like the way to go. Do you happen to have any good examples in using it? Or are all of those in private repos for work? The react-dates documentation is not always super clear. It would be nice to see a real world example.

Thanks, Ryan