chrishoermann / zod-prisma-types

Generator creates zod types for your prisma models with advanced validation
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Problem with Generated Types when using Prisma "extendedWhereUnique" preview feature #159

Open craigmcc opened 1 year ago

craigmcc commented 1 year ago

I've got a fairly complex schema.prisma file, which includes

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["extendedWhereUnique"]

I need that preview feature because the way Prisma generates types for xxxWhereUnique type checks doesn't work for my use cases (I need support for cases where sometimes my unique key is not reflected in the generated types without it). Unfortunately, adding the zod-prisma-types generator to this creates an output file with 93 syntax errors -- most of them related to various XxxxxWhereUniqueInput or related types generated by Prisma. Is there anything I can do to deal with this?

I will include the input schema.prisma file and generated Zod index file in separate comments below to make them easier to take a look at.

Relevant version numbers:

I really like the way that zod-prisma-types deals with Prisma's various types like XxxCreateInput and XxxUpdateInput, since that is what my Next 13 server actions need to pass in to Prisma. But I get it if supporting a preview feature like this is too big an ask.

craigmcc commented 1 year ago

Input schema.prisma file:

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["extendedWhereUnique"]

// Uses zod-prisma-types to create Zod schemas for Prisma artifacts.
generator zod {
  provider = "zod-prisma-types"

// TODO - May depend upon per-environment refinements
datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

// Data models for the "library-next" application ----------------------------

/// OAuth access tokens managed by @craigmcc/oauth-orchestrator.
model AccessToken {
  /// Primary key for this AccessToken.
  id      Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Timestamp after which this AccessToken is no longer valid.
  expires DateTime @db.Timestamptz(6)
  /// Space-separated list of scopes authorized for this AccessToken.
  scope   String   @db.Text
  /// The publicly visible value for this AccessToken.
  token   String   @db.Text
  /// ID of the User that this AccessToken belongs to.
  userId  Int      @map("user_id")
  /// (AccessTokenPlus) The User this AccessToken belongs to.
  user    User     @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)


/// Contributor to one or more Series, Stories, and/or Volumes.
model Author {
  /// Primary key for this Author.
  id             Int              @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this author active?
  active         Boolean?         @default(true)
  /// ID of the Library this Author belongs to.
  libraryId      Int              @map("library_id")
  /// Last name of this Author.
  lastName       String           @map("last_name") @db.Text
  /// First name of this Author.
  firstName      String           @map("first_name") @db.Text
  /// Optional notes about this Author.
  notes          String?          @db.Text
  /// (AuthorPlus) The Library this Author belongs to.
  library        Library          @relation(fields: [libraryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (AuthorPlus) Many-to-many relationship between this Author and the Series they have contributed to.
  authorsSeries  AuthorsSeries[]
  /// (AuthorPlus) Many-to-many relationship between this Author and the Stories they have contributed to.
  authorsStories AuthorsStories[]
  /// (AuthorPlus Many-to-many relationship between this Author and the Volumes they have contributed to.
  authorsVolumes AuthorsVolumes[]

  @@unique([libraryId, lastName, firstName])

/// Many-to-many relationship between Authors and the Series they have contibuted to.
model AuthorsSeries {
  /// ID of the Author referenced by this row.
  authorId  Int      @map("author_id")
  /// Is this a "principal" Author (credited) of this Series?
  principal Boolean?
  /// ID of the Series referenced by this row.
  seriesId  Int      @map("series_id")
  /// (AuthorsSeriesPlus) Author referenced by this row.
  author    Author   @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (AuthorsSeriesPlus) Series referenced by this row.
  series    Series   @relation(fields: [seriesId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@id([authorId, seriesId])

/// Many-to-many relationship between Authors and the Stories they have contributed to.
model AuthorsStories {
  /// ID of the Author referenced by this row.
  authorId  Int      @map("author_id")
  /// Is this a "principal" Author (credited) of this Story?
  principal Boolean?
  /// ID of the Story referenced by this row.
  storyId   Int      @map("story_id")
  /// (AuthorsStoriesPlus) Author referenced by this row.
  author    Author   @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (AuthorsStoriesPlus) Story referenced by this row.
  story     Story    @relation(fields: [storyId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@id([authorId, storyId])

/// Many-to-many relationship between Authors and the Volumes they have contributed to.
model AuthorsVolumes {
  /// ID of the Author referenced by this row.
  authorId  Int      @map("author_id")
  /// Is this a "principal" Author (credited) of this Volume?
  principal Boolean?
  /// ID of the Volume referenced by this row.
  volumeId  Int      @map("volume_id")
  /// (AuthorsVolumesPlus) Author referenced by this row.
  author    Author   @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (AuthorsVolumesPlus) Volume referenced by this row.
  volume    Volume   @relation(fields: [volumeId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@id([authorId, volumeId])

/// Overall collection of Authors, Series, Stories, and Volumes.
/// The contents for each Library are permission-protected for each User.
model Library {
  /// Primary key for this Library.
  id      Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this Library active?
  active  Boolean? @default(true)
  /// Globally unique name of this Library.
  name    String   @unique @db.Text
  /// Miscellaneous notes about this Library.
  notes   String?  @db.Text
  /// Scope prefix required for Users to access this Library.
  scope   String   @unique @db.Text
  /// (LibraryPlus) Authors belonging to this Library.
  authors Author[]
  /// (LibraryPlus) Series belonging to this Library.
  series  Series[]
  /// (LibraryPlus) Stories belonging to this Library.
  stories Story[]
  /// (LibraryPlus) Volumes belonging to this Library.
  volumes Volume[]


/// OAuth refresh tokens managed by @craigmcc/oauth-orchestrator.
model RefreshToken {
  /// Primary key for this RefreshToken.
  id          Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// The publicly visible AccessToken value that this RefreshToken is associated with.
  accessToken String   @map("access_token") @db.Text
  /// Timestamp after which this RefreshToken is no longer valid.
  expires     DateTime @db.Timestamptz(6)
  /// The publicly visible value for this RefreshToken.
  token       String   @db.Text
  /// ID of the User that this RefreshToken belongs to.
  userId      Int      @map("user_id")
  /// (RefreshTokenPlus) The User this RefreshToken belongs to.
  user        User     @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)


/// A named and ordered list of Stories in the same timeline, generally by the same Author(s).
model Series {
  /// Primary key for this Series.
  id            Int             @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this Series active?
  active        Boolean?        @default(true)
  /// Copyright date of this Series.
  copyright     String?         @db.VarChar(255)
  /// ID of the Library this Series belongs to.
  libraryId     Int             @map("library_id")
  /// Name (unique within Library) of this Series.
  name          String          @db.Text
  /// Miscellaneous notes about this Series.
  notes         String?         @db.Text
  /// (SeriesPlus) Relationships of this Series to contributing Authors.
  authorsSeries AuthorsSeries[]
  /// (SeriesPlus) Library this Series belongs to.
  library       Library         @relation(fields: [libraryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (SeriesPlus) Relationships of this Series to Stories belonging to it.
  seriesStories SeriesStories[]

  @@unique([libraryId, name])

/// Many-to-many relationship between Series and the Stories that belong to it.
model SeriesStories {
  /// Sort order (nominally one-relative) to this Story in this Series.
  ordinal  Int?
  /// ID of the Series referenced by this row.
  seriesId Int    @map("series_id")
  /// ID of the Story referenced by this row.
  storyId  Int    @map("story_id")
  /// (SeriesStoriesPlus) Series referenced by this row.
  series   Series @relation(fields: [seriesId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (SeriesStoriesPlus) Story referenced by this row.
  story    Story  @relation(fields: [storyId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@id([seriesId, storyId])

/// Individual story or novel, which may be a participant in one or more Series,
/// and/or published in one or more Volumes, contributed to by one or more Authors.
model Story {
  /// Primary key of this Story.
  id             Int              @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this Story active?
  active         Boolean?         @default(true)
  /// Copyright date of this Story.
  copyright      String?          @db.Text
  /// ID of the Library this Story belongs to.
  libraryId      Int              @map("library_id")
  /// Name (unique within Library) of this Story.
  name           String           @db.Text
  /// Miscellaneous notes about this Story.
  notes          String?          @db.Text
  /// (StoryPlus) Relationship of this Story to contributing Authors.
  authorsStories AuthorsStories[]
  /// (StoryPlus) Relationship of this Series to the Stories it contains.
  seriesStories  SeriesStories[]
  /// (StoryPlus) Library this Story belongs to.
  library        Library          @relation(fields: [libraryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (StoryPlus) Relationship of this Story to the Volumes containing it.
  volumesStories VolumesStories[]

  @@unique([libraryId, name])

/// Individual user that can be authencitated via @craigmcc/oauth-orchestrator.
model User {
  /// Primary key of this User.
  id                   Int            @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this User active?
  active               Boolean?       @default(true)
  /// API key (for this User) in the Google Books API.
  google_books_api_key String?        @db.Text
  /// Name (non-normative) of this User.
  name                 String         @db.Text
  /// Password for this User.  In the database, this value is hashed.
  /// It is never returned as part of a User model representation.
  password             String         @db.Text
  /// Space-separated scope values this User is authorized to use.
  scope                String         @db.Text
  /// Globally unique (not just Library-unique) username for this User.
  username             String         @unique
  /// (UserPlus) AccessTokens associated with this User.
  accessTokens         AccessToken[]
  /// (UserPlus) RefreshTokens associated with this User.
  refreshTokens        RefreshToken[]


/// Physical or electronic published unit, contributed to by one or more Authors,
/// and containing one or more Stories.
model Volume {
  /// Primary key of this Volume.
  id             Int              @id @default(autoincrement())
  /// Is this Volume active?
  active         Boolean?         @default(true)
  /// Copyright date of this Volume.
  copyright      String?          @db.Text
  /// ID of this Volume in the Google Books API.
  googleId       String?          @map("google_id") @db.VarChar(255)
  /// ISBN identifier of this Volume.
  isbn           String?          @db.Text
  /// ID of the Library this Volume belongs to.
  libraryId      Int              @map("library_id")
  /// Physical location of this Volume.  TODO - see enumeration.
  location       String?          @db.Text
  /// Name (unique within Library) of this Volume.
  name           String           @db.Text
  /// Miscellaneous notes about this Volume.
  notes          String?          @db.Text
  /// Has this Volume been read already?
  read           Boolean          @default(false)
  /// Type of this Volume ("Single", "Collection", "Anthology").  TODO - see enumeration.
  type           String           @db.Text
  /// (VolumePlus) Relationship of this Volume to contributing Autohrs.
  authorsVolumes AuthorsVolumes[]
  /// (VolumePlus) Library this Volume belongs to.
  library        Library          @relation(fields: [libraryId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (VolumePlus) Relationship of this Volume to the Stories that it contains.
  volumesStories VolumesStories[]

  @@unique([libraryId, name])

/// Many-to-many relationship between Volumes and the Stories that belong to it.
model VolumesStories {
  /// ID of the Volume referenced by this row.
  volumeId Int    @map("volume_id")
  /// ID of the Story referenced by this row.
  storyId  Int    @map("story_id")
  /// (VolumesStoriesPlus) Story referenced by this row.
  story    Story  @relation(fields: [storyId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  /// (VolumesStoriesPlus) Volume referenced by this row.
  volume   Volume @relation(fields: [volumeId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

  @@id([volumeId, storyId])
craigmcc commented 1 year ago

Alas, the generated index.ts is a bit too large for GitHub to be happy with. Here's the generated type for the first error that I encountered:

export const AuthorsSeriesCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInputSchema: z.ZodType<Prisma.AuthorsSeriesCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput> = z.object({
  where: z.lazy(() => AuthorsSeriesWhereUniqueInputSchema),
  create: z.union([ z.lazy(() => AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInputSchema),z.lazy(() => AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInputSchema) ]),

The corresponding error message from my IDE (IntelliJ):

TS2322: Type 'ZodObject<{ where: ZodLazy<ZodType<AuthorsSeriesWhereUniqueInput, ZodTypeDef, AuthorsSeriesWhereUniqueInput>>; create: ZodUnion<...>; }, "strict", ZodTypeAny, { ...; }, { ...; }>' is not assignable to type 'ZodType<AuthorsSeriesCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput, ZodTypeDef, AuthorsSeriesCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput>'.   The types of '_type.create' are incompatible between these types.     Type '(AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput | AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput) & (AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput | ... 1 more ... | undefined)' is not assignable to type '(Without<AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput, AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput> & AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput) | (Without<...> & AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput)'.       Type 'AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput & AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput' is not assignable to type '(Without<AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput, AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput> & AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput) | (Without<...> & AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput)'.         Type 'AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput & AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput' is not assignable to type 'Without<AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput, AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput> & AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput'.           Type 'AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput & AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput' is not assignable to type 'Without<AuthorsSeriesUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput, AuthorsSeriesCreateWithoutAuthorInput>'.             Types of property 'seriesId' are incompatible.               Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

All of the other errors are also TS2322, and look very similar in nature.

chrishoermann commented 11 months ago

@craigmcc thanks for reaching out? which version of zod are you using? there are known incompatibilitys with zod versions higher than 3.21.1.

craigmcc commented 11 months ago

I was trying this with zod 3.21.4 so that could definitely be related.

Separately, the extendedWhereUnique preview feature (of Prisma) that I am using has now been folded in to Prisma 5.0.0 as a standard capability.

chrishoermann commented 8 months ago

@craigmcc did changing the zod version fix the issue?

khavinshankar commented 6 months ago

@chrishoermann I was having same issue, downgrading the zod version to 3.21.1 worked 🎉 .