chrishoermann / zod-prisma-types

Generator creates zod types for your prisma models with advanced validation
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Field validators not working for negative numbers #192

Closed kevin-dp closed 8 months ago

kevin-dp commented 8 months ago

zod-prisma-types fails on the following model:

model User {
  id   Int @id
  foo  Int ///

The reason it fails is because the NUMBER_VALIDATOR_NUMBER_AND_MESSAGE_REGEX regex does not match the minus sign:

The regex can be modified to match an optional minus sign:

/.(?<validator>gt|gte|lt|lte|multipleOf)(?<number>\(-?[\d]+([,][ ]?)?(?<message>[{][ ]?message:[ ]?['"][\w\W]+['"][ ]?[}])?\))/
chrishoermann commented 8 months ago

@kevin-dp thanks for the hint. Should be working in 2.7.10 now