chrisk123999 / chris-premades

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Skill Empowerment improvement #253

Open MasterCroissant opened 3 months ago

MasterCroissant commented 3 months ago


In the Skill Empowerment macro:

let selection = await{ 'inputs': [ { 'label': 'Skill:', 'type': 'select', 'options': Object.entries(CONFIG.DND5E.skills).filter(([key, value]) => targetActor.system.skills[key].value < 2).map(([i, j]) => ({'value': i, 'html': j.label})) }, ],

I think this part should be rewritten as value=1, since Skill Empowerment cannot be used on an skill check in which an actor isn't proficient.

Here's the relevant part of the spell:

[...] You must choose a skill in which the target is proficient and that isn’t already benefiting from an effect, such as Expertise, that doubles its proficiency bonus.