chriskohlhoff / asio

Asio C++ Library
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All strands are running on same thread #1240

Open pfeatherstone opened 1 year ago

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I have a thread pool where each thread is running asio::io_context::run(). I have an application with different strands flying about. It would seem that all my strands are running on the same thread. So i'm not getting any parallelisation at all it seems. Is there a way to avoid this and pin a strand to a specific thread?

klemens-morgenstern commented 1 year ago

This description is a bit vague. What kind of thread pool are you using? Why not go for asio::thraed_pool? What's the concurrency_hint you pass to the io_context?

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I'm doing the following:

asio::io_context ioc;


std::vector<std::thread> pool;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < (nthreads - 1) ; ++i)

for (auto& t : pool)

I didn't know there was a concurrency hint. I'll try that.

klemens-morgenstern commented 1 year ago

Or just use asio::thread_pool ?

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

What's the benefit of using that?

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I don't mind using that object other than I have to change all my strand types, but if it's the case that it's always better to use that than your own thread pool then that should be clear in the docs.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

The concurrency hint isn't clear either. I'll test tomorrow with asio's thread pool.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/beast.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;

namespace asio  = boost::asio;
namespace beast = boost::beast;

struct device
    enum state_t { posting, reading, complete };

    asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type> executor_device;
    // Some synchronous device

    device(asio::io_context& ctx) : executor_device(ctx.get_executor()) {}

    template <
      class CompletionToken
    auto async_read(
      CompletionToken&& token
        return asio::async_compose<CompletionToken, void(boost::system::error_code)> (
          [this, state = posting](auto& self, boost::system::error_code ec = {}) mutable
            if (ec)
              state = complete;

            switch (state)
            case posting:
              state = reading;
              asio::post(executor_device, std::move(self));

            case reading:
              state = complete;
              // Do some synchronous operation on some device
              cout << "Reading    thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl;

            case complete:
          token, executor_device

struct processing_state
  asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type> executor_proc;
  device dev;

    asio::io_context& ctx
  ) : executor_proc(ctx.get_executor()),

  void start()

  void next_read()
    dev.async_read(asio::bind_executor(executor_proc, beast::bind_front_handler(&processing_state::loop, this)));

  void loop(boost::system::error_code ec)
    if (ec)
      cout << "Error : " << ec.message() << endl;

    // Launch next async op and come back on this executor

    // Do some work on read stuff
    cout << "Processing thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl; 

    // Wait a bit

int main()
    boost::asio::io_context ctx;

    processing_state state(ctx);

    std::thread t{[&] {;}};;
pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

@klemens-morgenstern This is an example of what I'm talking about. It simulates an async wrapper around a synchronous device. A synchronous device is paired with a strand. An async operation on the device first posts the handler onto the device's strand, then does a read (except here it doesn't), then completes the op. In this example, you complete the op back onto a processing strand. I've added some print statements to show the thread IDs. I have two threads running, main thread and custom thread. I would hope that asio would pair each strand with its own thread. But it doesn't.

In my actual use-case, I'm wrapping a libuhd device. The idea is to asynchronously read some samples, then once the read op is complete, schedule the next read, then process the currently read samples. However, everything ends up happening on the same thread and I get no parallelism, and my buffers overflow. However if asio realised that there were enough threads for each strand, everything would run in parallel and i would be able to process my samples coming off the SDR in real time.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

By the way, i get the same behaviour when using an asio::thread_pool with 2 threads. All ops happen on same thread.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

@klemens-morgenstern any help on this would be massively appreciated. I might have to resort back to manual multi-threading for now. Bit of a shame as I really like the asio model. Theoretically it does everything i need very simply and I don't have to do any synchronization. However, at the moment it looks like it's not parallelising anything even with a threadpool.

klemens-morgenstern commented 1 year ago
    boost::asio::io_context ctx{2u};

^ does that do anything?

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I'll check tomorrow. But trying with asio::thread_pool gives same result

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I don't know if I'm misusing the API somehow or does Asio not give any guarantees on how thread pools will be used ? It's a shame if you have a multi-core machine and asio only ever uses 1 thread despite user efforts to give it more

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

@klemens-morgenstern In this example, i've changed it slightly so that each strand is doing some heavy stuff, i.e. while-looping for 2s. I wanted to make sure that it had nothing to do with whether or not a thread was "busy"

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/beast.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;

namespace asio  = boost::asio;
namespace beast = boost::beast;

template <
  class Executor = asio::any_io_executor
struct device
    enum state_t { posting, reading, complete };

    Executor executor_device;

    template <
      class CompletionToken
    auto async_read(
      CompletionToken&& token
        return asio::async_compose<CompletionToken, void(boost::system::error_code)> (
          [this, state = posting](auto& self, boost::system::error_code ec = {}) mutable
            if (ec)
              state = complete;

            if (state == posting)
              state = reading;
              asio::post(executor_device, std::move(self));

            if (state == reading)
              state = complete;
              cout << "Reading    thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl;
              // Do some crazy operation
              const auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
              while ((high_resolution_clock::now() - start) < 2s);
              cout << "Reading complete" << endl;

            if (state == complete)
          token, executor_device

template <
  class Executor = asio::any_io_executor
struct processing_state
  Executor         executor_proc;
  device<Executor> dev;

  void start()

  void next_read()
    dev.async_read(asio::bind_executor(executor_proc, beast::bind_front_handler(&processing_state::loop, this)));

  void loop(boost::system::error_code ec)
    if (ec)
      cout << "Error : " << ec.message() << endl;

    // Launch next async op and come back on this executor

    // Do some work on read stuff
    cout << "Processing thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl; 
    const auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
    while ((high_resolution_clock::now() - start) < 2s);
    cout << "Processing complete" << endl;

int main()
    using strand = asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type>;
    const size_t nthreads = 2;
    asio::io_context ctx(nthreads);
    std::vector<std::thread> pool;

    processing_state<strand> state{asio::make_strand(ctx), {asio::make_strand(ctx)}};
    // processing_state<asio::io_context::executor_type> state{ctx.get_executor(), {ctx.get_executor()}};

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < (nthreads - 1) ; ++i)

    for (auto& t : pool)

I did what you suggested, and STILL, both strands are running on the same thread.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

If however you replace

processing_state<strand> state{asio::make_strand(ctx), {asio::make_strand(ctx)}};


processing_state<asio::io_context::executor_type> state{ctx.get_executor(), {ctx.get_executor()}};

then you max out both threads. In this particular example, that's fine, but in general, you don't get thread safety.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I do feel like this is a massive flaw in Asio. It looks like a strand is associated with a particular thread on construction. If it just so happens that the same thread is picking up all strands all the time, then you're buggered. You get no parallelism whatsoever.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

I'm sorry if missed something, but I don't see a reason to expect different threads to be used in your example. The example uses the same instance of strand (the one which is stored in processing_state::executor_proc) for device::async_read method and (it looks like - I'm new to the "recent" changes in Asio when its author started adoption of Asio for TS and I yet didn't check what beast::bind_front_handler does) for processing_state::loop method. Consider reading documentation for asio::bind_executor function, like When asio::post method is called in device::async_read method, the 2nd argument of asio::post call (std::move(self)) seems to have executor (instance of strand stored in processing_state::executor_proc) assigned, so Asio executes completion handler within instance of strand stored in device::executor_device and within that execution context (in that instance of strand) executes processing_state::loop within instance of strand stored in processing_state::executor_proc. Because device::async_read method is executed within instance of strand stored in processing_state::executor_proc, Asio may execute completion handler posted by asio::post within the same thread immediately after return from device::async_read method. Under the hood strand is implemented as a queue, so asio::post (may) just add a handler to that queue. Once one handler executed within strand completes, if the internal queue of strand is not empty, it can lead to immediate execution of the next handler from that queue within the same thread.

Could you please try to modify your example to use multiple instances of processing_state and device (multiple pairs, say number of pairs is number of threads in the pool x 2)?

Also note (it's definitely not your case, but you need to know), that under the hood different strand instances can use the same implementation instance, because each strand requires a mutex (it looks like strand can be implemented in a lock-free way, but it will be LIFO, while strand guarantees FIFO, refer to respective discussion in mailing list) and there is no way to provide one (not shared with other instances of strand) mutex per each instance of strand without exhausting OS resources under heavy loading (when thousands of strand instances are created). Refer to

Thank you.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Refer to, where the output on master branch is ("processing" of asynchronous operation result - Processing thread ID - is always performed in the same thread as "reading" for the same operation - Reading thread ID):

0: Posting thread ID: 9692
0: Reading thread ID: 9692
0: Reading completed
1: Posting thread ID: 9692
0: Processing thread ID: 9692
0: Processing completed
1: Reading thread ID: 6288
1: Reading completed
2: Posting thread ID: 6288
1: Processing thread ID: 6288
1: Processing completed
2: Reading thread ID: 9692
2: Reading completed
3: Posting thread ID: 9692
2: Processing thread ID: 9692
2: Processing completed

while the output on feature/parallel_processing branch is ("processing" of asynchronous operation result is sometimes performed in different thread, than "reading" for the same operation):

0: Posting thread ID: 9040
0: Reading thread ID: 9040
0: Reading completed
1: Posting thread ID: 108
0: Processing thread ID: 108
1: Reading thread ID: 9040
0: Processing completed
1: Reading completed
2: Posting thread ID: 108
2: Reading thread ID: 9040
1: Processing thread ID: 108
2: Reading completed
1: Processing completed
3: Posting thread ID: 9040
3: Reading thread ID: 108
2: Processing thread ID: 9040
2: Processing completed

Tested with Boost 1.81.0 and MSVC 2019 on Windows 10 x64.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

So it looks like the only real change is replacing asio::bind_executor() with a asio::defer(). That seems to work, i.e max both threads, but I'm not convinced it's doing everything I want i.e.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

@mabrarov thank you for looking into this by the way! @klemens-morgenstern can you look at this? Would you say it's ok to use asio::defer() instead of asio::bind_executor() to come back onto a particular strand?

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

Let me (try to) answer your questions based on

tie all processing to one strand

All calls of processing_state::next_read method, except the 1st one initiated by processing_state::start, are performed within explicit strand. The 1st and the 2nd calls of processing_state::next_read method are performed within "implicit strand", though there is a chance that the 2nd call can return before the 1st call returns, but it's safe, because processing_state::next_read method doesn't have logic (doesn't access members of processing_state class) after calling device::async_read method.

Refer to chat_session::start and chat_session::do_read_header methods in for similar example of implicit strand.

For 100% safety (in case of future modification of processing_state::next_read method), processing_state::start can use asio::dispatch or asio::defer or asio::post to wrap the 1st call of processing_state::next_read method with explicit strand (processing_state::executor).

tie all reading to one strand

I'm not familiar with asio::async_compose function, but according to documentation it seems that all access to the members of device instance (after it is created, i.e. excluding constructor of device) are wrapped with explicit strand (device::executor).


If I'm not wrong with previous outcomes, then:

  1. There is no concurrent access to the members of the same instance of processing_state class.
  2. There is no concurrent access to the members of the same instance of device class.
  3. But access to members of processing_state class instance can be performed in parallel to access to members of device class instance (I guess, this is intended behavior of this GitHub issue).

If you assume the same under thread-safety, then you have it.

maximise all threads

There are 2 strands in your modified example (which link I shared at the beginning of this message) and the logic wrapped with these strands cannot consume more than 2 threads. It means that for this example you have achieved maximum of possible parallelization.

Thank you.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

@mabrarov Thank you for your answer. I'll consume the information for a bit. Though I still don't quite understand why what I had before didn't use all threads, other than Asio doesn't do anything clever when tying a strand to a thread. The bind_executor() made sure that the completion handler was always invoked on the processing strand and the composed operation made sure that all "reads" happened on the read strand. Both strands were separate instances and I had two threads. So enough capacity for each strand to have its own thread. According to the Asio docs it should work... For now I'm gonna remove asio executors from my code and revert back to manual threading. I have control over what's going on and can guarantee that processing and reading are done on their own thread. I have to go back to using mutexes, condition variables, etc but so be it.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

Consider reading documentation for executors and asio::bind_executor function to clarify additional (!) guarantees which it gives (comparing to asio::defer or asio::dispatch). In fact, wraps reading with 2 strands, where the last one (the top in the call stack) is processing_state::executor strand.

Following code:

asio::dispatch(strand2, std::bind_executor(strand1, func));

Can lead to a call stack like:

  1. func
  2. strand1
  3. strand2
  4. io_context::run

or even to a call stack like (depends on busyness of strand2):

  1. func
  2. strand1
  3. io_context::run

because asio::strand class honors original executor assigned with func.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Hi @mabrarov,

So you're saying that the completion handler processing_state::loop is running in executor_proc but because it was initiated from executor_device it is also serialized/sequential with all other handlers running on executor_device ? And that's why they are not running in parallel?

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

I mean usage of asio::bind_executor in leads to processing_state::executor acting as strand1 (and self acting as func) in my previous comment. This leads to the same strand being used for and for

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Hi @mabrarov,

Gotcha. Sorry for the dumb questions. But then will post to executor_device so couldn't that then run on the other thread in theory?

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

asio::post also honors original executor and self has 2 nested executors assigned, where device::executor acts as strand2 and processing_state::executor acts as strand1 in that comment.

Another thread - yes (depends on implementation of de-queuing in asio::strand). Another strand (comparing to processing_state::executor) - no. In total and run within the same explicit strand, so only one thread (of 2) is consumed at every moment of time.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Right. Thank you. I get it. I think Asio is the wrong way to do this stuff then. Using 2 manual threads, one for read and one for processing is what I want. This clears things up I think. Asio is a lot more subtle than I thought.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

Asio can be correct way for solving your task (refer to and you was very close to it :)

Solution with 2 manual threads is almost the same and have both pros:

  1. can be more cache friendly (if you tie particular task to specific thread(s) so that members of device class instance are always accessed from the same thread(s) and members of processing_state class instance are always accessed from the same thread(s) which are different from the thread(s) accessing members of device class instance)

and cons:

  1. less flexibility (reusing the same thread pool for other tasks,
  2. re-implementation of synchronization which is already provided by Asio.

BTW, I use similar logic in (it looks complicated and ugly, because it supports both recent and old versions of Asio and even C++03), where

  1. Accepting of incoming TCP connections and keeping the list of active connections is performed in one thread (in a thread pool consisting of a single thread)
  2. Receive/send operations for active TCP connections are performed / handled on another thread pool (all thread pools are just a set of threads calling asio::io_context::run method, each thread pool uses it's own instance of asio::io_context).

This way I can "guarantee" minimum % of CPU time allocated for accepting TCP connections and managing list of active TCP connections.

Thank you.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Hi @mabrarov,

All calls of processing_state::next_read method, except the 1st one initiated by processing_state::start, are performed within explicit strand. The 1st and the 2nd calls of processing_state::next_read method are performed within "implicit strand", though there is a chance that the 2nd call can return before the 1st call returns, but it's safe, because processing_state::next_read method doesn't have logic (doesn't access members of processing_state class) after calling device::async_read method.

You mention it's only safe in this particular case. I'm nervous doing this in this way in case at a later date the async wrapper is used in a slightly different way, in which case thread safety is no longer guaranteed.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone,

Refer to that part of my comment (maybe I modified the comment after you read it. Sorry for that. I just want to make my comments more correct and full, because there are similar questions in other Asio GitHub issues where I'd like to reference this thread):

Refer to chat_session::start and chat_session::do_read_header methods in for similar example of implicit strand.

For 100% safety (in case of future modification of processing_state::next_read method), processing_state::start can use asio::dispatch or asio::defer or asio::post to wrap the 1st call of processing_state::next_read method with explicit strand (processing_state::executor).

This part:

  void start()

can be modified like:

  void start()
    asio::post(executor, [this](){ next_read(); });

to always call processing_state::next_read within the same explicit strand.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Ok now I'm really confused.

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;

namespace asio  = boost::asio;

struct processing_state
  asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type> strand_proc;
  asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type> strand_read;
  size_t op_id{0};

  void start()

  void do_read(size_t id)
    asio::post(strand_read, [this, id]{on_read(id);});

  void on_read(size_t id)
    cout << id << " : Reading    thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl;
    // Do some crazy operation
    const auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
    while ((high_resolution_clock::now() - start) < 2s);
    cout << id << " : Reading    complete" << endl;
    asio::post(strand_proc, [this, id]{loop(id);});

  void loop(size_t id)

    // Launch next async op and come back on this executor

    // Do some work on read stuff
    cout << id << " : Processing thread id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << endl; 
    const auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
    while ((high_resolution_clock::now() - start) < 2s);
    cout << id << " : Processing complete" << endl;

int main()
    using strand = asio::strand<asio::io_context::executor_type>;
    const size_t nthreads = 2;
    asio::io_context ctx(nthreads);
    std::vector<std::jthread> pool;

    processing_state state{asio::make_strand(ctx), asio::make_strand(ctx)};

    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < (nthreads - 1) ; ++i)

This works, i have two strands, they are posting between each other using asio::post() and I'm maxing out both threads. Weirdly, a strand can be handled by multiple threads. Fundamentally, I don't know what the difference is between this example and the previous one that used a composed operation to post onto a strand before performing an op. In this case, I'm doing it manually. Something is different.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I might try this manual approach of posting between strands at work tomorrow to control my uhd device. I thought the composed op was a nice wrapper but obviously i'm doing something wrong.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

asio::async_compose seems to be "newer" API which was introduced later and which provides more features / flexibility comparing to asio::post and asio::dispatch. asio::async_compose is also more oriented on extension of Asio and / or design of new Asio-like API (asynchronous methods), while asio::post and asio::dispatch are part of classic task-based API. I would recommend to start from Asio documentation and carefully read all documentation including examples which are great in clarification of concepts and approaches / design patterns.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Cheers. The examples are usually great but I find the documentation a bit naff.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I might try this manual approach of posting between strands at work tomorrow to control my uhd device. I thought the composed op was a nice wrapper but obviously i'm doing something wrong.

By the way, this worked a treat. I just use post() to go between "read" strand and "processing" strand. All threads are maxed out, I don't need any manual synchronisation and the UHD devices is streaming really smoothly.

I didn't have to use defer(). I can appreciate the docs say defer() is used if your handler is a "continuation". Practically, I don't know what that means or what it implies but i didn't need it.

Still confused as to why my async operation wrapper didn't work. I was trying to add layer of safety such that you always "post"ed onto the read strand first. But anyways. I think some clarifications, docs or examples on using async_compose vs normal task pipelines using post(), dispatch() and defer(), would be great.

mabrarov commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone ,

Your original example ( doesn't work as you expect, because of asio::bind_executor at and not because of asio::async_compose. That's the reason I'm interested in this thread - because it demonstrates:

  1. How 2 strands are (not)combined together (I totally agree with the way it works in Asio)
  2. Misunderstanding of what asio::bind_executor actually does, e.g. what is the difference b/w asio::bind_executor(executor, f) and asio::defer(executor, f) or asio::dispatch(executor, f) or asio::post(executor, f) (I totally agree with respective naming and behavior in Asio).

I guess, both points are good candidates for enhancement of Asio documentation (FYI @chriskohlhoff).

Thank you.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

I swear the documentation somewhere says bind_executor() has the same effect as calling post().

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Hi @pfeatherstone ,

Your original example ( doesn't work as you expect, because of asio::bind_executor at and not because of asio::async_compose. That's the reason I'm interested in this thread - because it demonstrates:

  1. How 2 strands are (not)combined together (I totally agree with the way it works in Asio)
  2. Misunderstanding of what asio::bind_executor actually does, e.g. what is the difference b/w asio::bind_executor(executor, f) and asio::defer(executor, f) or asio::dispatch(executor, f) or asio::post(executor, f) (I totally agree with respective naming and behavior in Asio).

I guess, both points are good candidates for enhancement of Asio documentation (FYI @chriskohlhoff).

Thank you.

I would also add strand.wrap(f)

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Reading the docs again you find the statement:

if a completion handler goes through a strand, then all intermediate handlers should also go through the same strand

So because i was calling bind_executor(strand_proc), the composed operation was ensuring all intermediate ops, including posting to strand_read was also going through the strand_proc strand, and so both the read and the processing were happening on the strand_proc strand.

Gotcha. So maybe the docs were clear enough. But that's subtle.

pfeatherstone commented 1 year ago

Out of interest, anybody knows how to do this using coroutines? I guess I would need two coroutines, one for each strand? Somehow, they talk to each other. Maybe using a channel? Or is there a simpler, better to way ? Cheers