chriskohlhoff / asio

Asio C++ Library
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Should ssl::stream::async_shutdown wait for the remote peer answer? #650

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

@RedDwarf69 commented on Nov 7, 2018, 12:46 PM UTC:

I don't think ssl::stream::async_shutdown should be waiting to receive the close_notify from the remote peer ( A common scenario is going to be to have the ssl::stream into my "the buck stops here" class. That class is likely to be doing ssl::stream::async_read_some continuosly. At some point I may decide I want to stop() this class. Ideally this stop() method would simply run ssl::stream::async_shutdown and I would find when the peer sends me the close_notify because of a specific ssl error returned by ssl::stream::async_read_some. That's the style used by Beast's websocket::stream::async_close.

Since ssl::stream::async_shutdown also waits for the remote peer to send the close_notify, I am guessing you can't have ssl::stream::async_shutdown running/pending at the same time than ssl::stream::async_read_some, is this correct? This would make the implementation of stop() more complex, requiring it to cancel() the operations in the underlying stream (e.g. basic_stream_socket::cancel()), so ssl::stream::async_read_some returns... the completion handlers checks if stop() has been called and if so calling ssl::stream::async_shutdown.

This issue was moved by chriskohlhoff from boostorg/asio#164.

ghost commented 3 years ago

@vinniefalco commented on Dec 11, 2018, 3:47 PM UTC:

You are way overthinking this. Your asynchronous read operations need to have a timer which lets you cancel all I/O if things take too long (call cancel on the lowest layer). In this scenario there is no need to go through async_shutdown as the host is already unresponsive; what makes you think they will answer the CLOSE_NOTIFY if you aren't even getting any data in the read?

You only call async_shutdown under these conditions:

In all of these cases of async_shutdown you need a timeout to cancel all I/O if things take too long. When the timer expires, simply cancel I/O and then let the completion handlers run, then the connection will be destroyed.