chriskottom / minitest_cookbook_source

Source code examples and sample projects for The Minitest Cookbook
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Add a readers section? #1

Closed fakefarm closed 9 years ago

fakefarm commented 9 years ago

I was about to create my own repo to upload my notes and such but I wonder if we try something new here. What if you add a /readers directory for readers to upload progress, comments and questions?

Because, for active readers who are also willing to visit the repo, it would be interesting to see where others people have questions. I also went ahead and added my first commit to this section to give you an idea of what I'm thinking.

Just an idea :smile:

chriskottom commented 9 years ago

I like the idea, but I don't think this is the way to go about it. This provides your code with exposure, but it makes me the gatekeeper for your contributions.

Is there a way that we can make code available to others and provide opportunities for communication while you get to maintain control over your own code? The only thing that comes to mind is including a section in the README that lists forks and the users that own them.

fakefarm commented 9 years ago

Good points. I can't think of a simple way to edit the readme without people forking and making that commit. It does feel like a lot of trouble to add a link. I'll noodle over it. In the meantime, I went my own repo