chriskuehl / lazy-build

Remotely cache build artifacts based on file hashes
MIT License
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How to handle existing outputs when a rebuild is needed? #12

Open chriskuehl opened 7 years ago

chriskuehl commented 7 years ago

Imagine my artifact is a virtualenv. I'm on a commit on master, but several versions behind. My venv is up-to-date.

I pull master, then run make venv to update it. It could either:

  1. Delete my entire venv and grab the new artifact from S3.
  2. Bypass lazy-build and do the normal action (e.g. using venv-update to uninstall/install packages as needed).

Which do we do? Both are significantly faster than the other in at least some cases.

chriskuehl commented 7 years ago

The current behavior is 1. I think we should make the behavior 2 for now (so that lazy-build never makes things slower), but leave this issue open to come back to, as there may be additional speed gains to be had.