chrisl8 / ArloBot

ROS Package for a Parallax ArloBot Robot
MIT License
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Issue setting up "arlobotModel" in "personalDataForBehavior.json" #190

Closed TCIII closed 2 years ago

TCIII commented 2 years ago


SBC: Rpi 4B/4GB OS: Ubuntu focal server/gnome desktop ROS: Noetic

Steps to Reproduce Issue: My present Arlobot configuration is a two stack so I changed "arlobotModel": "default" to "arlo_2stack" and received a '' message that "common_arlo_2stack.urdf.xacro" does not exist.

Apparently ROS is looking for a "common_default.urdf.xacro" file that obviously does not exist since it is presently "arlo_2stack.urdf.xacro". Obviously I cannot change "default" to "arlo_2stack.urdf.xarco" and I suspect I need to create a new 'common_thomas.urdf.xacro with:

<!-- ArloBot -->
  <xacro:include filename="$(find arlobot_ros)/urdf/arlo_2stack.urdf.xacro"/>?

Workaround: Change xacro:include filename="$(find arlobot_ros)/urdf/arlo.urdf.xacro"/> to xacro:include filename="$(find arlobot_ros)/urdf/arlo_2stack.urdf.xacro"/>

Tom C

TCIII commented 2 years ago


I created a new urdf file called "common_thomas.urdf.xacro" in which I changed "arlo.urdf.xacro" to "arlo_2stack.urdf.xacro" and then in 'personalDataForBehavior' I changed "arlobotModel": "default" to "arlobotModel": "thomas".

After rebooting, the Arlobot Web Controller appeared on the Ubuntu MATE desktop indicating that the "common_thomas.urdf.xacro" functioned as expected.

Therefore I am closing this issue.