chrislacy / TweetLanes

Tweet Lanes for Android
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Tweetmarker/ADN Stream Marker support #18

Open jamesduffy opened 11 years ago

jamesduffy commented 11 years ago

The API component of this has been implemented in, but it needs wiring up, and likely background sync and caching of tweets needs to be implemented first.

Fammy commented 11 years ago

Also consider stream marker.

patrick91 commented 11 years ago


BlythMeister commented 11 years ago


Fammy commented 11 years ago

TweetMarker costs $85/month for Tweet Lanes. @chrislacy is going to look into a free open source license. Not super thrilled by this development.

<insert @jamesduffy joke about switching to only here>

jamesduffy commented 11 years ago
Twitter is a river. You're not meant to read EVERY SINGLE POST.

I think this is more trouble than it is worth.

gena01 commented 11 years ago

<opinion>You are entitled to your opinion and I respect it. I have a different opinion though. Twitter is a river, but it's my river. I have full control over it (and prefer this sort of river compared to how Facebook does it). I decide who I follow and how much stuff I want to read from people I follow. If i think they have no value to me I will unfollow them. It's not a binding "friend" relationship. I see it very similarly to a simpler and more streamlined RSS stream (Google Reader). I do discover many interesting items, blog posts, articles, slides, etc. through twitter. I use favorite functionality to mark interesting items for myself to follow up on later or to read/download at my leisure.</opinion>

jamesduffy commented 11 years ago

I have no problem adding it, but since we are open source we can't afford the cost. Hopefully we will be able to get an open source license for free but until then we should put this on the back burner. I am not taking my personal feelings into this. I understand the use of this and I could use it to better track mentions to the tweetlanes twitter account without missing anyone.

jamesduffy commented 11 years ago

With that said this is approved but marked as a low priority until we figure out the pricing situation. We can get ADN stream marker working because that is built into the API @fammy

BlythMeister commented 11 years ago

The way I read it you can get access, just with no stats.

The $85 gives you "full" access, and stats.

I might be wrong.

At the bottom of their site is a request an api key, where you can state it's open source.