This module is a PHP module that enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, zip code, ISP, domain name, timezone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code, weather station name, mobile, usage types, address type, IAB category, etc that any IP address or host name originates from.
I have written a nice program with Python to setup .htaccess with "Deny from IP_address"
I post it here on Github:
Obviously, it can't run directly with Apache.
I wish to do the same task but in PHP.
How can I get the IP_FROM address after calling \IP2Location\Database::lookup($ip) ?
I need to get CIDR like this :
\IP2Location\Database::lookup('') --->
I can easily get ip_from in Python '' but I can't get it with PHP
If I can get this missing part, I can do the rest
$ipNum = ip2long(''); $i=32; $mask=1; while(($ipNum & $mask) == 0) {$mask *= 2; $i--;}; echo $i;
I'm sorry that you can't get the ip_from through this PHP module. You can load the CSV file into a database to retrieve the ip_from value, instead of using the BIN data file.
I have written a nice program with Python to setup .htaccess with "Deny from IP_address" I post it here on Github: Obviously, it can't run directly with Apache. I wish to do the same task but in PHP. How can I get the IP_FROM address after calling \IP2Location\Database::lookup($ip) ?
I need to get CIDR like this : \IP2Location\Database::lookup('') ---> I can easily get ip_from in Python '' but I can't get it with PHP
If I can get this missing part, I can do the rest
$ipNum = ip2long(''); $i=32; $mask=1; while(($ipNum & $mask) == 0) {$mask *= 2; $i--;}; echo $i;
Help me , please.