chrismccord / labrador

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Tweaks to installer script to make things smoother... #8

Open MrJoy opened 12 years ago

MrJoy commented 12 years ago

If one doesn't want to install to ~/.labrador, one is stuck editing a bunch of different places in the setup script. For example:

cd ~ && git clone git:// .labrador && \
cd .labrador && \
echo "rvm use --create 1.9.3-p194@labrador" > .rvmrc && cd ~/.labrador && \
bundle install --deployment && \
open -e ~/.labrador/config/initializers/auth.rb

You can make this less tedious to deal with by changing a couple things:

cd ~ && git clone git:// .labrador && \
cd .labrador && \
echo "rvm use --create 1.9.3-p194@labrador" > .rvmrc && cd . && \
bundle install --deployment && \
open -e config/initializers/auth.rb

Also, explicit options for gemset, and auto-creation thereof would be handy, even though this can be done via the "custom" option...