chrismiles / EZForm

iOS form handling and validation library.
MIT License
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EZFormRadioField.unwireInputView throws exception : [UILabel setInputView:] unrecognized selector #32

Open blitzxion opened 10 years ago

blitzxion commented 10 years ago


-(void)viewDidLoad { 
//First (of 6 culprits)
EZFormRadioField *sampleRateField = [[EZFormRadioField alloc] initWithKey:InitFormDevice_SampleRate_Key];
[sampleRateField setChoicesFromArray:self.sampleRateOptions];
sampleRateField.validationRequiresSelection = YES;
sampleRateField.validationRestrictedToChoiceValues = YES;
[sampleRateField setFieldValue:@"30"];
[self.initializationForm addFormField:sampleRateField];

// Radio/Select Fields (Use labels)
    for (NSString *t in radioFields) {
        EZFormRadioField *f = [self.initializationForm formFieldForKey:t];
        if([t isEqualToString:InitFormDevice_SampleRate_Key]) [f useLabel:self.lblDeviceSampleRate];


Initialization of the form fields, and wiring them up has already completed. Now i'm trying to leave the form via the UINavigationController (back button).
-(void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated { 
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
    [self.initializationForm unwireUserViews];


-[UILabel setInputView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15d23ff0
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UILabel setInputView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15d23ff0'

Using XCode 5, iOS7 (iOS6 SDK), iPhone 4S (just incase someone needed this information)

With only a few exceptions like viewDidUnload (deprecated), I followed exactly how the example project built up and tore down the fields. This only seems to occur with the combination of EZFormRadioFields and UILabels.

The reason why I bring this up is because every time I fire up this view, memory consumption increases a bit, but when leaving the view, it doesn't get released (using ARC, etc, etc). Figured I would have to use the unwireUserViews to fix this. For the most part, up until it hits that exception, the memory usage drops a little bit.

Could I be missing something?

jlerner commented 10 years ago

Same thing here. Tried calling -unwireUserViews in -viewWillDisappear:, but that can't work in my case because we have several instances of EZFormMultiRadioFormField in the form.

jessedc commented 10 years ago

It looks like EZFormRadioField combined with it's superclass EZFormTextField are missing a few edge cases around unwiring the input view if it's a UILabel.

- (void)unwireInputView
    if ([self.userView.inputView isKindOfClass:[UIPickerView class]]) {
    UIPickerView *pickerView = (UIPickerView *)self.userView.inputView;
    if (pickerView.dataSource == self) pickerView.dataSource = nil;
    if (pickerView.delegate == self) pickerView.delegate = nil;

    self.userView.inputView = nil;

It's clear here that if it's a label, it will fall over.

IMHO the userView/inputView behaviour needs some reworking here.