chrisns / kubectl-passman

kubectl plugin that provides the missing link/glue between common password managers and kubectl
MIT License
93 stars 6 forks source link

Support keepass/varients #18

Open chrisns opened 4 years ago

chrisns commented 4 years ago

Because of the nature of keepass dbx files as a format which you then read rather than interface with a long running process, one would need to reenter the db password every execution - which is going to quickly get VERY annoying.

Or I'd need to background a sub-process that would do the heavy lifting and then somehow authenticate between the parent and child process to then retrieve the db pass, or result - which smells.

Ideally, some kind of common cache/cookie type API would exist (my google foo can't find) that I could store and retrieve the result in a secure way with knowledge that some OS component would self destruct it after time.

Marking as blocked waiting for better ideas.

bulldog98 commented 11 months ago

KeepassXc supports the secretservice specification (at least under Linux), maybe that is a way to support it.