chrisquince / DESMAN

De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes
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ConfPlot.R issue #21

Open NielQC opened 6 years ago

NielQC commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to make strain inference from my metagenomic reads, so I was following DESMAN complete example that includes the samples preprocessing, however I'm facing a problem at the ConfPlot.R step. As far as I understood (and please correct me if I'm wrong) this step provides a graphical representation (heatmap in this case) of the clusters taxonomical assignments. Knowing which clusters pertain to which bacteria one could identify the core genes and make the strain inference.

Until this step all ran smoothly. Here is the error:

$ ~/programas/CONCOCT/CONCOCT-0.4.0/scripts/ConfPlot.R -c SRR2081071_Taxa_Conf.csv -o SRR2081071_Taxa_Conf.pdf

Attaching package: ‘gplots’

The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:


Error in hclustfun(distc) : 
  NA/NaN/Inf en llamada a una función externa (arg 11)
Calls: heatmap.2 -> hclustfun
Ejecución interrumpida

I have the 'gplots' and 'getopt' packages installed, so this shouldn't be the problem. Below the output of previous step:

$ ~/programas/CONCOCT/CONCOCT-0.4.0/scripts/ --cfile=3_Concoct/SRR2081071/clustering_gt1000.csv --sfile=6_ClassifyContigNR/SRR2081071_K55_c10k_gt1000_AA_nr_species.csv --ffile=0_Assemblies_c10k/SRR2081071_K55_c10k.fasta --ofile=SRR2081071_Taxa_Conf.csv
N   M   TL  S   K   Rec.    Prec.   NMI Rand    AdjRand
6340    1151    5.4228e+06  15  32  0.913775    0.966000    0.876351    0.952381    0.873916

I would appreciate some help here. Many thanks!