chrisquince / DESMAN

De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes
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Migrate DESMAN to Python3 #23

Closed ozcan closed 6 years ago

ozcan commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris,

Here is a pull request that migrates DESMAN to Python3.

Evan Kiefl and I tested the codebase by writing scripts to make sure all outputs are compatible with Python 2 version by running the commands in the README file (we didn't run the automated workflow with nextflow).

We also didn't know how to test files under the scripts directory. We simply screened the files to make sure there is nothing unexpected. We believe everything will be OK with scripts as well, but it would be best to keep in mind that they are not as thoroughly tested as the rest of the codebase during this transition.


chrisquince commented 6 years ago

Hi Ozan,

This is great news! I will do a little bit of testing, I will run through the complete example this weekend with your new branch and then merge the commit. Is that the right way to do this or if there is no conflicts should I just merge?

Thanks, Chris

chrisquince commented 6 years ago

I guess I could just fix up any problems afterwards if they occur?

chrisquince commented 6 years ago

OK so I tested it a bit and create a last Python 2.7 version in case any one needs it and merged the commit! Thanks for your help.