This happens when the assembly is good even in high resolution and there is 1 well resolved contig with multiple scg on it. Issue is that the whole contig get passed down as a subgraph :
it can be stupidly too big, 300k contigs for 1.5k scg
some scg are on the same contig, so all these scgs have the same extracted subgraph.
Here is an example :
EDIT : seems like I rediscovered issue#34, because bayespath output them as is. Not sure what's the best solution.
This happens when the assembly is good even in high resolution and there is 1 well resolved contig with multiple scg on it. Issue is that the whole contig get passed down as a subgraph :
Here is an example : /mnt/gpfs/Hackathon/TestRuns/CA77_Seb/subgraphs/bin_merged/Bin_1/raw_subgraphs
EDIT : seems like I rediscovered issue#34, because bayespath output them as is. Not sure what's the best solution.