chrisreedio / socialment

Socialite OAuth Support for Filament
MIT License
73 stars 10 forks source link

Use Filament Button Component #33

Open chrisreedio opened 8 months ago

chrisreedio commented 8 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **devhoussam1998** October 29, 2023 **providers-list.blade.php** ``` @foreach ($providers as $providerName => $provider) {{ $provider['label'] }} @endforeach ``` **socialment.php** ``` [ 'google' => [ 'icon' => 'bi-google', 'label' => 'Google', 'color' => 'danger', 'size' => 'md', ], ], 'view' => [ // Set the text above the provider list 'prompt' => 'Or Login Via', // Or change out the view completely with your own 'providers-list' => 'socialment::providers-list', ], 'routes' => [ // The route to redirect to after a successful login 'home' => 'filament.admin.pages.dashboard', ], 'models' => [ // If you want to use a custom user model, you can specify it here. 'user' => \App\Models\User::class, ], ]; ```