chrisreyn / Tap-Titans-2-Progress-Bot

A HiroMacro Progress Bot for Tap Titans 2
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Working SC script here for anyone having issues (as of 4/11/20) #104

Open I-Am-The-Liquor opened 4 years ago

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Update working as of 5/2: Prestige V13.4.txt

SC PushV2.txt (no prestige simple pushing)

5/2 --

4/1 --

Be mindful of clan announcements and notifications from GH, sometimes they get clicked and fuck the script.

ContineltalABC commented 4 years ago

Hello man! Good morning! Do you have a new update for the end of the christmas event?

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Same script just fixed prestige. Prestige V9.txt

max139dark commented 4 years ago

Same script just fixed prestige. Prestige V9.txt

you're awesome thank you!

Gouran21 commented 4 years ago

Same script just fixed prestige. Prestige V9.txt

Will you make fixes for newest patch?

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Hey guys today is the first chance I've had to really dig into this and test it. The location of the skills were moved in addition to the prestige button change so it required quite a bit more tinkering than the last fix. I'm close though, I'm fairly confident I got it working but I'm an amateur when it comes to this stuff so I'm going to run it for a little while to make sure it's reliable. If all is well I'll share it soon.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

I think we're back in business my dudes, I let it run all night and didn't have any hiccups or issues. Working script as of 2/15. Prestige V11.txt

max139dark commented 4 years ago

working great! thank you very much!

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

End of the event changed the prestige button a little, same script just slight prestige change. As long as GH doesn't make any drastic changes we should be able to go back and forth between this one and V11 depending on if there is an event or not.

Prestige V12 - No Event.txt

Gouran21 commented 4 years ago

Sir Liquor will u make version with working dagger?

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

My build now has multiple daggers and it hits most of them so it hasn't really bothered me but honestly my build is jacked up right now and I've been waiting on them to update the build compendiums before respeccing so I don't waste diamonds. Once they do and I respec I'll be taking points out of the multiple daggers skill and only using the 1 with poison dagger but until then I don't know it's exact location. Poison dagger is strong as fuck so we definitely need this, should be simple just an extra tap during the random tapping phase but won't be able to test it properly until I respec. Good news is I'm working from home for the next few weeks and all my plans have basically been cancelled because of the fucking coronavirus so I will have plenty of free time and be able to implement this whenever the compendium is updated. I also intend on finally implementing the occasional sword master level to take advantage of the extra gold from the anniversary equipment set. Can't promise an ETA though, it is what it is for now.

ContineltalABC commented 4 years ago

@I-Am-The-Liquor Good Morning! Could you help me optimize the script? I'm using HS build, but it is very slow, if I play manually I get prestige in 14 minutes at most, but the bot needs at least 35 minutes. Can you help me make the script faster and spamaning more HS?

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

@ContineltalABC I recently tried HS and considered giving it a shot but honestly man after playing HS for a little while I just don't think it's worth the effort, there's too much to coordinate to reach your MS with HS. Need to use daggers, time HS with anchoring shot and keep up barbaric fury - if you're missing any of those things then you won't be able to take advantage of Heavenly Strike's quick runs and it won't be worth it. Too much to coordinate, I have no plans to attempt it and just went back to SC sorry man.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Since the patch I'm having an issue with leveling heroes, looks like the change they did to make the top of the hero / artifact leveling screen "sticky" is messing with a color check so the hero level window is closing too early because it always thinks it's reached the top. Currently testing a fix, I'm removing the color check and just having it loop X number of times. Once I can verify it's working well I'll share an updated prestige and push script.

Edit - This basic push script is working very well it's something for now but this is the push script, it does not prestige. Need to make sure the prestige script doesn't miss any heroes at the start of the run and need some time to test that but I'll be implementing similar logic to this one I think. SC Push.txt

alevolk commented 4 years ago

Since the patch I'm having an issue with leveling heroes, looks like the change they did to make the top of the hero / artifact leveling screen "sticky" is messing with a color check so the hero level window is closing too early because it always thinks it's reached the top. Currently testing a fix, I'm removing the color check and just having it loop X number of times. Once I can verify it's working well I'll share an updated prestige and push script.

Edit - This basic push script is working very well it's something for now but this is the push script, it does not prestige. Need to make sure the prestige script doesn't miss any heroes at the start of the run and need some time to test that but I'll be implementing similar logic to this one I think. SC Push.txt

Thank you so much, man!

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

I have a prestige script that should be mostly solid but ever since the patch I've been having major issues with TT2 freezing on me. I have beefy PC and set Memu to high performance (4 cores / 4GB of RAM) the game runs beautifully no lag but I'm constantly getting "TT2 is not responding" or it just freezes after 1-2 hours so the script has hardly been worth it and haven't been able to run any tests that go beyond 1-2 prestiges. I know lots of folks having performance issues since patch (based on Reddit comments) so I'm hoping it's related and will be resolved with next update? Anyone else out there running into this? If not are you using Memu or something else? Because of this I've been relying more on the push script which is why I haven't bothered spending time optimizing the prestige script.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Update: Hopefully skill issue is fixed, been working for me here's an updated version -

Prestige V13.2.txt

New and improved script my dudes. Lockdown boredom and nothing to do but drink have led to a number of changes:

Edit: I was just monitoring it and GH offered me a milestone bundle after a prestige that broke the script. It did not try to purchase it or any shenanigans, was just never able to level skills. Would probably be an easy fix if I could replicate it for testing but they rarely come up so I dunno might just need to deal with that occasionally.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

In the meantime here's an updated push script. It's hitting daggers better, leveling sword master and implemented the close menu extra taps to try and prevent menu mishaps: SC PushV2.txt

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Been running this for a while and it seems solid, no mishaps thus far slight change to skill leveling to make it more reliable.
Prestige V13.2.txt

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

I recently switched to Nox and it's working way more smoothly. Still get occasional crashes but it's nowhere near as often, if anyone is having issues with Memu constantly crashing / app freezing give Nox a try it's working very well for me right now.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

I-Am-The-Liquor you are a legend, thanks so much for maintaining the script, any chance you could make a super simple script that scrolls all the way to the bottom and levels up all heroes? So sick of the game crashing and having to level them all by hand. I am downloading Nox now to see how it goes. Thanks.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

@I-Am-The-Liquor swapped to Nox it is crashing a lot less, but seems to randomly decide to try to re-level skills, is that something happening to you or did I do something silly? Only things i changed was to put 1 next to vip boost and the tap heroes options.

max139dark commented 4 years ago

I recently switched to Nox and it's working way more smoothly. Still get occasional crashes but it's nowhere near as often, if anyone is having issues with Memu constantly crashing / app freezing give Nox a try it's working very well for me right now.

interesting , i've been using memu for the longest time , the thing runs 24/7 for me , crashing about 2 times a day , sometimes less , does nox crash less now?

also thank you very much for continuing to fix and improve the script!

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

@max139dark Nox has crashed once in the last 3 days for me, whereas memu was crashing like every 5th prestige. Only issue i've found with nox is I find it harder to get 600 taps on raid bosses but it's not much off normally like 580.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

That has been my experience as well. Nox still crashes but it's very rare, I try to restart it once every 24 hours or so and with the occasional restart I get 0 crashes. Memu was crashing very often it varied but seemed like anywhere between 2-4 prestiges and it would freeze or crash in some other way. I've been using Memu for 2+ years with no issue, this only started with the recent TT2 patches.

@Richu58 I can't say for sure if this is what you're seeing but with HiroMacro notifications on and watching the timer I've seen the script prestige timer reset and go back to 0 it's like the script resets for some reason. That has never happened in Memu so I don't know what to do about it. Overall though Nox has proven to be much more reliable, I'll take that over constant crashes I think it's worth it.

I've been running this V13.2 for a long time now and for the most part it's smooth but I have seen it mess up leveling skills. It's so rare though and I can never replicate it on demand so I'm not entirely sure what's causing it. I'm planning on looking into that at some point. I also see it go into the pet window every once in a while and mess with equipped pets (this isn't new, it's always happened periodically even with original script), I'm looking to put some sort of check in to prevent that. It's not too common so hasn't been a priority but I'm getting tired of waking up to random pets being equipped.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

@I-Am-The-Liquor Yeah using nox has been way better. I could not turn off my screen with memu or the game would crash and I could not leave it for long periods of time either. Only bug I have is sometimes it resets the script so it will think you just prestiged or sometimes it doesn't press prestige despite bringing the panel up. Again thanks heaps. Oh and as an update Nox has crashed once in the last 4 days.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

Actually now randomly the script has moved to not prestiguing at all anymore, it tries but cycles clicking prestigue then leaving it then trying again.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

@Richu58 this is because the event ended and the events move the prestige button (to make room to display event shards or whatever) and confuse it. I'm tied up tonight and won't be able to address it but what I'm going to do is add a toggle for events so we can easily switch back and forth since these events seem like they will be common and it's the same change every time. Should be able to address it tomorrow.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

Thanks your a legend :)

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Updated script in the top comment. I think I got lucky with Nox the first few days I was running it but I dunno lately the script restarts have been more and more common. I've tried messing with every possible setting and nothing makes a difference. Found some references to this Nox script restart issue in older comments, seems this is why original author recommended staying away from it. I think I'll be going back to Memu I'm at wit's end doesn't seem to be a way to solve it and past few days it seems to be happening more often than not.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

var #PrestigeEvent seems to be working beautifully, if you're having issues just toggle that to 1 in the beginning of the script. This should be legit for a while assuming no major event changes in the near future.

Richu58 commented 4 years ago

Silly question does putting a 1 for enable tapping actually do anything? If so is it better on or off for sc with daggers. Was about to say getting prestige loop then realized an event is on and i havent changed the event flag derpy me lol. Thanks again.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

Honestly man not sure what it does I always have it set to 0 and it still taps everywhere I've never really looked into it or made any changes there. I figured most people used Astral Awakening so since it seemed easiest and made sense I put dagger taps in the astral awakening tap section, as long as you have var #astralAwakening 1 in the beginning you should get daggers pretty consistently.

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

I've been working on a major overhauled HS script, I got it working fairly well and it blows this SC script away in terms of efficiency but still have a few kinks to work out. Will share soon once I got some things ironed out. In the meantime here's an HS push script working fairly well if anyone is using HS. It's not as fast as running HS manually but it's doing the job pretty well: HS Push.txt

I-Am-The-Liquor commented 4 years ago

HS script here making a new thread for it:

max139dark commented 3 years ago

script no longer working after the UI changes :(