chrisreyn / Tap-Titans-2-Progress-Bot

A HiroMacro Progress Bot for Tap Titans 2
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Skills maxing #14

Closed core66 closed 6 years ago

core66 commented 6 years ago

Hi Guys,

unfortunately, I can not get the script to maximize skills at level 25. it will only be maximized for the first time after the Prestige, but then not anymore. Only the tab is opened, scrolled and closed again. So the Skills stay at level 19 - 20. and when a skill is active he didnt upgrade.

Can you help me?

chrisreyn commented 6 years ago
var #runActionsEveryXSeconds 94
// recommended equal to total SC+ED+DShift duration minus ~6 or 7 seconds
// ^esp if you cant level SC in the first run

so that when :runActions runs, SC (or your other skills) is done and script can level them up. script is currently set to not level up when skill is running so you dont waste mana

also, make sure you have a higher value for var #stopLevelSkillMins. it wont level up skills past the specified minutes

see :lvlTopHero for other conditions

core66 commented 6 years ago

thank you, but i want that the Script is upgrading the skills it doesnt matter the skill is active or not.

is this possible?

chrisreyn commented 6 years ago
    if #minutes >= #maxSkillsAtXMinutes and #unlocked < 8 and #skillCheckStepper <= 5
        touchPress 0 459 755
        sleep 300
        #time = #time + 300
        #unlocked = #unlocked + 1

    #time = #time + 100
    getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 459 755
    if #colorBlue <= -45
        sleep 10
        #time = #time + 10
        goto :endLvlSkill
    elseif #justUnlockSkills == 0
        goto :maxSkill

change getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 459 755 to #colorBlue = 0