chrisreyn / Tap-Titans-2-Progress-Bot

A HiroMacro Progress Bot for Tap Titans 2
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JustUnlockSkills not working #44

Closed maelstromsh closed 5 years ago

maelstromsh commented 5 years ago

Just to preface, I have tried the solution in the wiki to no avail.

I have set JustUnlock to 1 and replaced my :lvlSkill section with this:

    if #minutes >= #maxSkillsAtXMinutes and #maxSkillsAtXMinutes > 0 and #unlocked < 8 and #skillCheckStepper <= 5
        touchPress 0 459 755
        sleep 300
        #time = #time + 300
        #unlocked = #unlocked + 1

    #time = #time + 100
    getRGB #colorRed #colorGreen #colorBlue 459 755
    if #colorBlue <= -45
        sleep 10
        #time = #time + 10
        goto :endLvlSkill
    elseif #justUnlockSkills == 1
        if #skillCheckStepper < 6
            if #unlocked < 4
                #unlocked = #unlocked + 1
                touchPress 0 459 755
                sleep #btnDelay
                #time = #time + #btnDelay
                goto :endLvlSkill
            elseif #unlocked >= 4
                if #minutes < #maxSkillsAtXMinutes
                    goto :endLvlSkill
                    if #unlocked < 8
                        touchPress 0 459 755
                        sleep #btnDelay
                        #time = #time + #btnDelay
                    goto :maxSkill
    elseif #justUnlockSkills == 0
        goto :maxSkill
goto :endLvlSkill

However, it seems to scroll past all skills one by one to Shadow Clone, and level that to max only. I did try to take from issue#80, however, it wasn't quite clear what the solution ultimately was.

maelstromsh commented 5 years ago

Fix found here: Tune389#87