chrisriesgo / Android-AltBeacon-Library

Proximity beacon ranging and monitoring library for Xamarin.Android apps
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 44 forks source link

[question] how to be notified when ANY beacon is within range? #18

Open jakewatkins opened 8 years ago

jakewatkins commented 8 years ago

Sorry if this is lame. I'm just getting started w/ beacons.

All of the code I've seen so far (Find the Monkey for example) seems to be hard coded to a specific beacon. Is this correct?

I need to be able to detect any beacon that comes near my device (either an Android phone or an iPhone). The samples (both forms and classic) appear to be configured to detect Estimote beacons. Why is that? I thought iBeacon was a standard and everybody should be the same. I already have some Radius networks beacons to play with and a few others on the way (a few NFC tags too).

I'm reading the AltBeacon java docs but they aren't clearing things up for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

rampyodm commented 7 years ago

I want to know this as well. Did you ever figure it out?

jjakob666 commented 4 years ago

The beacon code is contained in the android jar library found here: you have to get the source and add a layout for other beacons in order to detect them. Keep in mind this github project only works on android and does not have an ios implementation

acaliaro commented 4 years ago

The beacon code is contained in the android jar library found here: you have to get the source and add a layout for other beacons in order to detect them. Keep in mind this github project only works on android and does not have an ios implementation

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