chrisriesgo / Android-AltBeacon-Library

Proximity beacon ranging and monitoring library for Xamarin.Android apps
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 44 forks source link

update? #20

Closed halukmy closed 7 years ago

halukmy commented 7 years ago

any update is on the way?

chrisriesgo commented 7 years ago

Hi @halukmy. Which specific version of the AltBeacon library are you curious about seeing an update for?

halukmy commented 7 years ago

Thanks for quick reply,

i use your 2015 version, last android release is not update, and i guess there is something wrong.. it updates so slowly near and away .. there were a dude was create for glass too, its library use only 1 beacon but i guess its faster find than alt, i will be so happy if you can update latest altbeacon release for us friend,


jerone commented 7 years ago

The current version of AltBeacon is at 2.9.1 while this Nuget package is at 2.7.0. It includes multiple bugfixes.

acaliaro commented 7 years ago

Hi @chrisriesgo. I am interested too to know if you have some plans to update the library to 2.9 version. Thanks.

AeonDave commented 7 years ago

i'll love to see an update! PLEASE!

FredyFLU commented 7 years ago

Please update the component dependencies! Current AltBeacon native lib is now two years old (v2.7, actually v2.9) The last version fixes major issues under Android 7. We are doing indoor tracking and Android is now limiting the number of times BT scan to 5 times / 30 sec, V2.9.2 avoid the issue by not stopping scans between cycles. (See for more info)

Thank you.

jordimasmi commented 7 years ago

It's very important for me too; limit of times BT scan to 5 times / 30 sec is a handycap for us.

I did not know this limitation, and now I understand why the behavior of the app. In the past we used the other library: Android iBeacon Service, and I think this limitation wasn't exist (it was another native lib)

Thanks @chrisriesgo !

chrisriesgo commented 7 years ago

I've started updating the library! It's not done yet, but I just published a first-look alpha release of 2.10.0.

Download the attached .DLL, try it out, and let me know if you have any issues.

chrisriesgo commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue. Please track progress on the 2.10.0 update on Issue #25.