christhofer / SG-Game-Tags

Shows some tags of the game in Steamgifts.
7 stars 4 forks source link

Bundled Tags not showing up #2

Closed adwindhot closed 8 years ago

adwindhot commented 8 years ago

only Bundled Tags not showing up. qq 20160807103107 qq 20160807103158 Google Chrome version 52.0.2743.116 m

christhofer commented 8 years ago

It works just fine for me Try reload the page, press f12, and go to console tab to see if there is any error in there.

adwindhot commented 8 years ago

sir,Very strange, not error.

christhofer commented 8 years ago

@_@ Maybe try factory reset / reinstall the script...

adwindhot commented 8 years ago

default New discovery.Why ?

christhofer commented 8 years ago

For wishlist, you are not logged in to steam via browser

For bundle list.... your browser didn't get correct list from my server. It can be because your browser failed to load data from my server. Can you open this page? the script requests bundle list from there.

I did make it if invalid json bundle list error appears, reloading page will request again and should fix that error...

adwindhot commented 8 years ago

I try to open the page ,but not work ,That's why.

christhofer commented 8 years ago

You can't open my site? What error you get? Do you use any addons that might block some sites maybe??

adwindhot commented 8 years ago

Network operators may shield some site. I am very sorry but thank your patience. default