christian-putzke / Roundcube-CardDAV

Roundcube CardDAV Plugin
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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CardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted! #28

Open guenneguezt opened 12 years ago

guenneguezt commented 12 years ago

When I delete a card, I have the following error in log : CardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted! The card is deleted on carddav serveur.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Hi, Same problem on Roundcube 8.1 with Davical server v9.9.3 on Debian 6. I modify the cardav_adressbook.php to have some more information (line 481)

catch (Exception $e) { self::write_log('CardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted!'); ++ self::write_log($elements); ++ self::write_log($e); return false; }

Here the result :

[02-Sep-2012 01:53:59 +0200]: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | Starting CardDAV-Addressbook synchronization [02-Sep-2012 01:54:01 +0200]: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | Connected to the CardDAV-Server https://xxx.domaine.tld/davical/caldav.php// [02-Sep-2012 01:54:02 +0200]: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | CardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted! [02-Sep-2012 01:54:02 +0200]: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | [02-Sep-2012 01:54:02 +0200]: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in //roundcube/plugins/carddav/carddav_addressbook.php:401 Stack trace:

0 //roundcube/plugins/carddav/carddav_addressbook.php(401): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('')

1 //roundcube/plugins/carddav/carddav.php(305): carddav_addressbook->carddav_addressbook_sync(Array)

2 [internal function]: carddav->carddav_addressbook_sync()

3 //roundcube/program/include/rcube_plugin_api.php(316): call_user_func(Array)

4 //roundcube/index.php(279): rcube_plugin_api->exec_action('plugin.carddav-...')

5 {main}

I will investigate for more informations

earendilfr commented 11 years ago

I sync I have found the problem. In carddav_backend.php file. the funtion get doesn’t initialise the XML request send to the server for the PROPFIND.

You can add the replace the following lines :

<   {
<       $response = $this->query($this->url, 'PROPFIND');
>     {
>         $xml = new XMLWriter();
>         $xml->openMemory();
>         $xml->setIndent(4);
>         $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
>             $xml->startElement('D:propfind');
>                 $xml->writeAttribute('xmlns:D', 'DAV:');
>                 $xml->startElement('D:prop');
>                         $xml->writeElement('D:resourcetype');
>                 $xml->endElement();
>             $xml->endElement();
>         $xml->endDocument();
>       $response = $this->query($this->url, 'PROPFIND', $xml->outputMemory());
fmbiete commented 11 years ago

It's the same problem/solution as issue #29

bryan977 commented 11 years ago

Have anyone got this plugin working on Mountain Lion? I've tried the fixes in #29 and #36 (and above); however, I still have problems. I still receive the "ardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted!" error. Thanks so much!

sylvestrerd commented 11 years ago Mountain Lion Contacts cardDAV server sync problems.

cscholz commented 10 years ago

I've got the same issue when I try to connect against owncloud 6.

Jul 16 01:23:53 mx02 roundcube: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | Starting CardDAV-Addressbook synchronization Jul 16 01:23:54 mx02 roundcube: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | Connected to the CardDAV-Server https://.../owncloud/remote.php/carddav/principals/cscholz Jul 16 01:23:54 mx02 roundcube: v0.5.1 | carddav_server_id: 1 | CardDAV-Server XML-Response is malformed. Synchronization aborted!

I've already modified the carddav_backend.php like described above but the problem is the same.

Exists a fix for this?