christianalfoni / react-app-boilerplate

React application boilerplate
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gulp test - error in plugin 'gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs' #13

Open asiniy opened 9 years ago

asiniy commented 9 years ago


I have cloned, npm installed and gulped your code. After that I've runned gulp test. This is the error:

asiniy@misha:~/projects/react-app-boilerplate$ gulp test
[00:56:23] Using gulpfile ~/projects/react-app-boilerplate/gulpfile.js
[00:56:23] Starting 'test'...
[00:56:23] Start running spec file:  /home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/build/testrunner-phantomjs.html
[00:56:23] PhantomJS path:  /home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs
Loading /home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/build/testrunner-phantomjs.html
Jasmine ran in  0.004  seconds
1 spec, 1 failure
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/node_modules/gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs/jasmine2-runner.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/node_modules/gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs/jasmine2-runner.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/node_modules/gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs/jasmine2-runner.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL about:blank from frame with URL file:///home/asiniy/projects/react-app-boilerplate/node_modules/gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs/jasmine2-runner.js. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

[00:56:23] gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs: ✖ Assertions failed in testrunner-phantomjs.html
[00:56:23] 'test' errored after 625 ms
[00:56:23] Error in plugin 'gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs'
Command failed: 

Ubuntu 14.04, node 0.10.25

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Alex

christianalfoni commented 9 years ago

Could you try with latest version of node? I had the same issue, but having a hard time recalling exactly what it was